Planetary Union of Megamaffs Army / PUMA

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We are few, but we are strong. We are comrades. We are PUMA.


What happens when a few loose cannons come together to form something coordinated, unpredictable, and wholly dangerous? A gang of mercenaries dedicated to each other first, profit second, and whimsy third, it turns out that an organization known as PUMA is the answer. Always eager to take to the stars, the wandering pilots of PUMA encountered one another like comets colliding among the cosmos – an unprecedented and improbable series of meetings that led to the rebirth of one of the most notorious wildcard factions in known space. They say birds of a feather flock together, and never does the saying ring more true than when PUMA takes to the spacelanes.

More a tight-knit adventuring party than a traditional mercenary squadron, PUMA has always cast a wide net when it comes to making a profit. Combat operations, freight runs, salvage missions, mining, and even the occasional act of piracy has at one point or another fallen under the purview of PUMA’s operations. As long as there’s profit to be had and excitement to be found, chances are that PUMA will find themselves in on it whether they expect to or not.

Some question the organization’s integrity due to the frequent rotation of its officers, but this would be a critical misunderstanding. Being adventurers to a one, PUMA officers will at times seem to vanish in order to chase their own dreams of fame and fortune. That said, while they may be absent in body, their spirit remains tied to their faction, and when they return to tell stories of their adventures, PUMA welcomes them back with open arms.

After all, we are all brothers.


That’s the nitty-gritty, isn’t it? What are we here for? What do we do? What in the hell are we all about? It’s simple, really – most if not all of us really just want a good old adventure, preferably with as much profit as we can lump in with it. As versatile, multi-talented individuals, we go about this in a variety of ways: transport, escort, salvage, mining, really whatever we’re capable of. We’re not even above some good old-fashioned thievery if we’re in the right wrong neighborhood.

As far as ideals go, we’re not really that big on climbing up on our soapboxes. Sure, we all want to do the right thing, but right can get pretty subjective all the way out here in space, can’t it? Bottom line is, if some fool decides to come and try to ruin our day, we’ll sell it back to them tenfold. If we decide that it’s in our best interest to rain on somebody else’s parade, we try to keep it clean and avoid unnecessary killings. We may be bandits, but we’re not murderers. Let ‘em live to tell the tale – that makes it more interesting for us anyway.

Just remember this: a true PUMA never betrays their own. We can oh-so-certainly go our separate ways, but if you try to pull a fast one you’ll find yourself under the gun just like any other two-bit punk. We’re all in this together.


We’re all just here to have a good time, right? Well, yeah, but we’re also here to make money. We’re also not that big on dying, either, so listen up. If you’re out there in the black all alone, be on your guard, and keep in contact with the crew in case you need help in a hurry. If you’re out there with a crew, stick together so that you can pounce on any piece of space junk that decides to give you all a hard time. If you communicate and watch each other’s backs, you should be able to make it out of most rough situations without getting too beat up. This goes double – no – triple – for when you’re not in your ship.

As far as missions go, standard procedure is to wrap up and get out as fast as possible, but your commanding officer can override this. Typically it’s best not to stick around too long without backup after a shootout – you never know what buzzards might show up after the lead and lasers start flying. If it’s a less-than legal operation, don’t be dumb – keep a low profile. In fact, just keep a low profile whenever you can – less trouble that way.

If a situation is looking a little sketchy, don’t be afraid to call for help or get the hell out before you become a victim. If you think you can handle it, go right ahead at your own risk, but never underestimate the value of surprise backup as a trump card. If you can stall a situation until the crew shows up, do so through any means necessary. We’ll do our best to pull your ass out of the fire.

That’s about it for now. Check back as more information arrives.

Oh, one more thing. Stay away from cops.