Pyke Family / PYKE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Eh? What do you want? You got something needs moved? Or are you just lookin’ for work? Whatever it is make it quick we have places to be and things to do, and I ain’t got no time for nonsense!


Who’s asking?


Who’s asking?


Pyke Family Charter and Bylaws

The Pyke Family is a family, and as a family, we take care of our own. These bylaws exist to give a foundation of civil action and facilitate growth, direction, and agreement within the Family. Membership into the Pyke Family indicates an agreement to these bylaws, and a willingness to follow them in any possible situations.

Majority Vote

The Pyke Family will not have a direct leader, major decisions made for the Pyke Family will be made by majority vote and will be followed out by the entirety of the Pyke Family. In the case of a split vote, the decision will fall to the Pyke FamilyFounding Members to create a majority vote. In the case of a split vote among Founding Members, the decision will fall to a single instance of chance (single coin flip). If a member of the Pyke Family refuses to follow out a majority vote decision they will be qualified for a kick vote. A member is allowed to refuse to vote but the decision made by the majority vote is still binding to said individual. If a member is unable to vote they are able to proxy their vote by telling another member their vote.

not all decisions require a majority vote to take place, however, if one member suggests a majority vote be called for a decision and it is seconded by another member, a majority vote must be held to move forward. Decisions made in battle, or while in solo play without the option to call a vote are considered the decision of the Pyke Family and will be backed up by the entire group, until such time a formal decision can be made.


Members of the Pyke Family are decided by a majority vote by existing members. In order to qualify for membership the player must have been actively involved in 3 separate interactions with members of the Pyke Family over the time frame of at least 2 weeks, proposed, and seconded. If the vote does not pass the player may be proposed again to the existing members after a time period no less than one week. If the vote passes the player will be accepted into the Pyke Family at the lowest ranking. This starts a minimum one week probationary period after witch another unanimous vote must be passed to advance the player to a level decided by the group. This Process can be circumvented by a unanimous vote made to place a player directly into membership of the Pyke Family.

Retaliation / Aggression

If a member of the Pyke Family is directly attacked they are free to defend themselves and all available members must aid them in any way possible. However, the decision of any retaliation or aggression must be made by a majority vote before action is taken against other organizations.

Kick Vote

A kick vote is done when the ability of a member to carry out the responsibilities of the Pyke Family is called into question. A call for a kick vote may be voiced by any member with at least one month of membership and must be seconded by another member. Kick votes must be passed with a 2/3 vote. any vote that does not reach the 2/3 point but does pass the 1/2 will result in placing the player in question on temporary probation for a period no shorter than one week. Their ranking will be stripped and they will be placed on the lowest tier of the Pyke Family. After their temporary probation, a majority vote will be called to reinstate the player. If a majority is not reached another kick vote will be taken, the outcome deciding if the player will be kicked, or placed on another temporary probation.

Leaving Pyke Family

Any player may choose to leave the Pyke Family when they feel it necessary. A player leaving the Pyke Family leaves with what they came with. Any ships and gear you acquired through work as a Pyke Family member must be left with one of the existing Pyke Family members and you are free to leave with any currency you currently have. If you wish to keep a ship or gear you acquired while working as a Pyke Family member you may call for a majority vote to keep what you think you deserve. Any Pyke Family emblems and tags must be removed from anything you take with you and you must agree to not talk about Pyke Family matters with anyone after leaving the Family. If at a later time you decide you wish to rejoin the Pyke Family you may do so through the normal channels of member addition.