Pyro Maniacs / PYROMANIA

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Pyro Maniacs is one dude dedicated to providing top-tier shenanigans through deeply casual game-play, cutting-edge tomfoolery, and a commitment to excellently bad spaceship flying . Pyro Maniacs Security focuses on ensuring the un-safety and insecurity of the verse as a whole. Pad-rammers accepted.


There is no history save for the one we create together… until the next wipe anyway.


Pyro Maniacs intends to have fun in the verse, help all members earn space-bucks (auec) and build wealth. We want fun and engaging game play, no strings attached. Honestly, the ‘verse is a lonely place and space is a little less cold with a Pyro Maniac to help keep you warm.


Pyro Maniacs New Recruit Rules Charter

1. Camaraderie

Be a good org-mate while working with other Pyro Maniacs (PM’s)

2. Kindness

Treat org-mates with courtesy and respect while playing together. Keep in mind everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

3. Collaboration

Work collaboratively with your team members. SC is a complex game that is still growing in complexity. Help other PM’s become better star citizens by teaching them the ins and outs of the game.

4. Status

Build wealth and reputation together. You make more money in teams than alone. Try to pick missions that help everyone max out their reputation and earning potential.