Elysium Rangers / R4NGERS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

An exploration society focused on pushing the boundaries of what is known astrologically, scientifically and historically. We’ll be the rangers and pathfinders gathering information about new systems and cultures. Mapping safe places for colonies as well as protecting those in need.


The Rangers started as a loose confederation of explorers based out of the Elysium system. Many call Jalan home, but not everyone – and there is not requirement of residency to join. What started as an informal meetup to trade rumors, information, and chance to brag about recovered artefacts or new routes was formally codified into a Society in 2951. The mission of the Elysium Rangers to search out and expand the knowledge of humanity through discoveries for the future, or lessons of civilizations past – now benefiting from coordinated logistical support and the sum of the members experiences.

Though they hail from different areas of the galaxy, a yearly ‘moot’ still sees the member of ESoR have a chance to come together and brag about what they’d seen. Mostly a chance to tell tall stories and in general try and one-up each other while embellishing exploits. While the ‘telling of tales’ is good natured and more than a little colorful, it keeps the original spirit of what brought the society together in the first place. To share information, get advice, seek aid, or even propose an expedition.


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