Random Star / RANDOMSTAR

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

We do many things together and mostly in Discord. Whatever we all feel to do from Bounties to prison to whatever you can think of ..Tanks on an 890 ? yup did it. :) Bring the fun. We live with and report bugs and its all about the fun.

Our Discord server



Created from a Random group of people Who love to play this game.
We will invite everyone and help those that want to learn Veterans of Star citizen or Day 1 players.

All Welcome here.

This org was started on a Discord call to use a hammerhead and has grown from there.

It is a good group .


To enjoy the game as it is , Work to improve where it is possible, Have a lot of fun doing all of it.,


Welcome to the verse stranger! Please be sure to read through this to obtain your citizenship!
-This server is not Pyro! Please make sure to use common sense while co-existing with your fellow citizens.
-Please be friendly and courteous to all.
-Don’t take anything too seriously. Have fun!