RAVE - Metaversal Gaming / RAVE

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

  • “Man takes responsibility for his actions, right or wrong, he accepts the consequences of his actions every day”.
    “Every man must decide for themselves which side they are on”.
    Bttstr Glctca, Odama

It is the Global Community unlike any other
RAVE – Metaversal Gaming.



RAVE TEAMSPEAK: * ts3.extronic-gamehosting.net:9988

Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Keeping the good vibe in all we do!

EXPLORATION – Discover, Explore, Analyse and record every aspect of our observations of the verse.

FOUNDATION – Establish a strong trade, entertainment and diplomatic foothold in an area of the verse that is important to RAVE – Metaversal Gaming.

BATTLE – Enforce our claims with experienced pilots from the Freelancer universe. We have seen much, experienced even more and utilised every strategy and tactic, most often successfully, to our attackers’ surprise. The laid-back good vibe bites when cornered!
Tried and battle tested in the closest game there is to SC: Freelancer.

OPPOSE NEGATIVITY – Some people think that being a bad pirate means you have to be the worst kind of person. It is a game! Some of the best pirates are the ones that realise this. To the others: BEWARE RAVE!

HELP NEW PLAYERSRAVE often spreads the good vibe. Many of us like helping and serving others.

Have fun while doing it! – A close knit gaming community. We just don’t accept anyone, but each person joins the ranks as an initiate to see if they like the vibe and we like theirs.


•All Fleet members, including wings, will at all times represent RAVE and display their allegiance through the use of proper RAVE tags (avatars, signatures, etc.). This requirement extends to Teamspeak, and any other public or private communications media.
•ALL PLAYERS SHALL PLAY HONOURABLY: Do not spoil the fun of the game for other players with any disruptive behaviour. Respect all other players in game.
•Members are cautioned not to take important matters related to RAVE into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been previously approved by appropriate ranking Elders.
•Members are charged with maintaining the integrity and privacy of information found within RAVE’s secure forums.
•Only Elders can give out passwords and/or access to private areas. Think OPSEC!
•Issues and concerns regarding any RAVE decisions, members, and allies must be brought, as soon as possible, to the attention of the Officer or Elder, in private (offline), who is next in your chain of command.
•Elders shall moderate the clan’s message boards, authorise wings/divisions, provide supervision for clan wings/divisions and approve any changes to the basic clan charter within the RAVE High Command.
•The individual wing leaders may delegate other “team” duties to Members (delegate: updating the wings’ sub-website, running wing practices, advertising the clan, writing strategies, running events, etc., etc.).
•Members will avoid public confrontations or internal arguments at all costs as these reflect poorly not only upon you, but also upon RAVE.
•Members will respect one another and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, patience and general all-round good vibes.
•At all times, members of RAVE will show respect to Elders/Officers by listening to them and following their lead.
•If any member has any reservations about a recruit, PM an Elder/Officer before the end of the probationary period.
•NEVER undermine the authority of a ranking member.
•Absolutely no racism, sexism, or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated.
•Do not, under any circumstance, reply to attacks or topics about RAVE on the RSI forums unless you are an Elder or have had specific permission to respond. This is a zero-tolerance rule and breaking it will result in either immediate dismissal from RAVE and will be dealt with as a duly designated officer sees fit.

Fleet Rules and Guidelines:
•All members will, at all times, represent their allegiance to RAVE through the use of proper RAVE tags or other approved symbols.
•Under no circumstances can any RAVE member be a member of another organisation.
•Members are granted the right to defend themselves, RAVE, other fleet members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place.
•Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces.
•Piracy is not tolerated.
•Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programmes or bugs found within the game, are highly unacceptable.
•RAVE members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to their wings/division.
•Members will follow the lead of their division officer/command team and complete assigned tasks.
•Members should take initiative and engage, when appropriate, in tasks assigned to other wings/divisions.
•When working with another wing/division, you are expected to adhere to their policies and protocols, and to follow the lead of that particular division’s command team.

Teamspeak (TS) Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:
•No mic spamming.
•No chatbox spamming.
•No excessive private messaging or poking of Elders/Officers. Elders/Officers will get back to you when time permits.
•Do not give out any Fleet Teamspeak info to anyone who is not a member unless given explicit permission or direction to do so by an Elder/Officer.
•If someone else is speaking, allow them to finish.
•Keep chat and links appropriate to the channel.
•Less civilised, not-exactly-appropriate, conversations should be moved to a designated channel.
•Stick to the appropriately assigned TS channels for your current game or activity.
•Treat all guests with a welcoming and respectful attitude.
•“Please” and “thank you”, “hello” and “goodbye” wouldn’t go amiss. Manners cost nothing.

•Refer to General Rules listed above.