Red Banner Merchants / RBMERCHANT

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


The year is 2938

A lone pilot finally closes in on safety, having only just escaped the Vanduul in his badly beaten cutlass.
Aremis, in the Vega system, is a surprising oasis, known for being the home of rouges and brigands, today, it’s salvation.

As our pilot safely lands on the bustling New Corvo dock, he notices 2 cargo haulers attempting to secure work for their Caterpillar, “cheap haulage” they call to him “escort included.” Although interested, he hasn’t the funds to pay those haulers! Right now a shower and a stiff drink are what he needs most, then he can consider his next move.

He enters a bar, it’s dark, smokey and smells of sweat and desperation. He orders a drink and keeps to himself. He notices an animated conversation in the corner, a Banu trader argues with a human. As he listens it’s clear that the human has money, this is what our pilot needs.
The argument ends and the Banu storms off, our pilot approaches, he makes small talk before telling the money man of the wrecked merchantman he has found out in Vanduul space, loaded with precious cargo, but he needs a partner, after many, many compromises, they make a deal.
Now they need a ship!

Remembering the haulers and their idle Caterpillar, he approaches the Caterpillar, and studies it closely, “can they be trusted?” he says to his new partner. The money man tells him “we’re on the most lawless hell hole in the galaxy, our choices are limited.” The pilot greets the haulers, who tell our pilot they have a caterpillar and a hornet, he needs both, he needs them now before it’s too late and the merchantman cargo is gone!
They come to an agreement………..

Red Banner Merchants is born


Recruit – “What is our Manifesto?”

Leader – “Money”

Recruit – “That’s it?”

Leader – “What? What else is there?”

Recruit – “Goals, Rules, Joining, Multi Organisation, Affiliation?”

Leader – “Wow, you’re going to make me go through them arent you?”

Recruit – “Please do”

What we as Pilots are trying to do, Money, we are an group of Pilots and Marines trying to make a solid profit, utilizing like minded others in our Organisation providing assistance where they can.
As an organisation, we are to establish ourselves as trustworthy, one that can carry out tasks with efficiency and professionalism, and do all we can to turn a nice profit. we also want to recruit pilots who also want what we want, and to affiliate ourselves with people and Organisations who are interested in our goals.

Although we are all about making money, we are in no way a law breaking org, we do what we do lawfully, and try not to rip anyone off. besides that there aren’t many more rules to our org, listen to your superiors, and you should be fine.

We need able bodied and trustworthy Pilots and Marines that we can count on to help us achieve our goals.

If you were to join us, and truly want to be part of our numbers, we would need you to pledge fully to us and become a full member of our org, of course you can be an affiliate, and there will be benefits to that, but a true member is someone who has our org as a main.

As an affiliate, you would be entitled to certain benefits such as discounts on our services and later on our ship rentals.

Leader – “That enough for you?”

Recruit – “Yeah, i think that should cover it”

Leader – “Good. cause I’ll test you on it tomorrow”

Recruit – “Wait, what?”


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