The Realm / REALM

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading


The Realm is a gaming community that plays a variety of games from Planetary Annihilation to Minecraft. We have a friendly community with active forums, a Teamspeak 3 server, up to date website and good leadership.

Planetside 2 was our early home where we grew and developed our infrastructure. We learned to work as a team and honed our leadership skills in Planetside which later allowed us to adapt easily when we approached and succeeded in other games, most notably Planetary Annihilation.

The Realm currently plays a long list of games, some more casually than others though we currently specialize in: Planetary Annihilation (unofficially the largest clan), Planetside 2, Battlefield 4, Minecraft, EVE Online, DayZ and Dota 2.

The Realm prides itself in being at the forefront of community gaming. Not only do we have a strong, sustainable infrastructure we also boast a large player-base, regular competition with available prizes and transparent communication. You all get a say and it’s all rewarded.

We’re always looking for new members. There are no requirements, all you have to do is register on the site and tell us a bit about yourself, it really is that simple. Even registering here has been made as painless as possible (but all feedback is welcome).

So, if you want to get in the game with us, Apply Today!


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