Red Eye Profiteers / REDP

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Resources

Nice cargo you have there…Wanna share?


REPORT – June 2946 – The Red Eye Profiteers (REDP) started out as a small group of disenchanted miners mainly operating out of Grim Hex in the Stanton System. Sick of the hard work and danger of mining, the group toiled away, the dream of a more glamorous pirate life fully in their minds.

The group used their initial stolen mining ships to work hard, blasting asteroids day and night, slaving away, saving up for their ragtag fleet that quickly started to resemble a small but dangerous pirate militia. Singe man raids on determined solo trade runners graduated to more complex bait and snatch multi crew theft operations on unsuspecting cargo ships as the group grew in boldness and confidence.

REDP is suspected to have moles within most mining corporations within Stanton, the group’s policy of actually mining for credits themselves have gained the group sympathizers within the greater mining community.

Due to their relatively small number of attacks to date, the UEE has not taken reports of REDP activity that seriously, instead focusing their law enforcement in the area to focus the more widely spread rival organization, the Nine Tails.

While initially starting their illicit activities out of the back of a beaten up Cutlass Black, the group is rumored to have purchased some expensive high end stealth military hardware.

For the moment, cargo runners and explorers are mostly safe in areas patrolled by REDP but as always when traveling in pirate infested areas, caution is heavily advised.

EDIT – July 2953: UEE briefings indicate this group has grown in stature since the last confidential briefing. The Red Eye Profiteers are now responsible for more ship heists than any other pirate organisation inside Australian region servers. Please be careful while you are flying in Stanton space.


The Red Eye Profiteers believe in a few core values. These are.

  • Mining
  • Profit
  • Teamwork
  • Profit
  • Selling other people’s cargo
  • Profit

Did we say profit?

So if you are a miner and are a little disenchanted with your lot in life, or a starting player who is a little sick of being squashed by some of the larger clans out there and would like some allies to help exact some profitable payback, reach out. We are here for you.


The creed of Red Eye Profiteers are as follows.

1. Where possible avoid killing. We are thieves, not killers..
2. Mess with one, mess with all.
3. Don’t talk smack.
4. Stay stealthy. Steal that cargo and escape
5. Hex is life.
6. It is all about the profit.
7. If someone pays a ransom, honor your word.
8. Profit.