The Redthroats / REDTHROATS

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

If you need something moved or someone disappeared, we’re your guys. No questions asked, so long as you have the credits. Our operation is small. It’s small enough to go mostly unnoticed; don’t expect us to take on a fleet of UEE for you, but we are very capable.


When Lacu got clipped the captain sorta fell apart. She scattered us to the wind to ‘keep us safe’. But I wasn’t happy about that. My name is Shrike, and I’m the acting captain of the Redthroats now. The last man standing. Until the Captain and the rest of the Reds return to their senses I’m taking command.

I need help. I need good people that aren’t afraid to get dirty. Our work is low-profile. Errand boys, as much as I hate to admit it. We’re the ones that move dirty goods while the big boys cause the distractions. We’re the ones that knock off the Commlinks when someone wants to make a big play. For now, we’re keeping out of sight and most importantly out of the mind of the UEE.

We’re not afraid to roll up our sleeves, either. We can handle a fight and come out on top and still accomplish the mission. Bruises, scrapes, and a leaky fuselage are just another inconvenience. While I’d like to avoid a fight, my boys aren’t going to back down when pressed. Neither will I.


The Reds are a family. They’re my family. We’re a tight-knit group that relies on one-another to stay alive and keep gainfully-employed. Our skills range from ‘aggressive acquisition,’ ‘purposeful malfunction,’ and ‘discreet shipping’ to ‘erasing problems.’ We make enough money to get by. It’s our hope to start making enough to thrive and expand.


Respect your family. You might think I’m an ugly son of a bitch, and you’d be right. But you’d damn well better listen to what I say.

Help the fledglings. Not everyone was born in the black. It takes time to get used to this life. Be a shoulder to lean on, a big brother to learn from. But don’t be a crutch.

Do what’s best for the crew. Everyone has needs and wants. That’s acceptable. Putting yourself before the Reds? Not so much.

Life comes first. Don’t be afraid to speak up if something comes up.