BlackSword / ROGUEPACK

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“ Anytime, Anywhere …. Only the Strong Survive the Black.”


Our members are mostly made up of U.E.E. veterans, who fought in the outer rim territories on the border of Vanduul space. We ran deep recon and covert special ops, through the uncharted Vanduul occupied planetary systems, a branch of the now famous U.E.E. military’s elite Black Watch divisions. Sabotage, buy any means necessary, that was one of the specialties of BlackSword Squadron, and we do pride ourselves on meticulous demolition work.Our job was to, incapacitate and destroy the enemy bases or communication facilities that were found. Taking down Vanduul convoys and patrols by ambush, with lightning fast precision raids. Deep Space Warfare is what we do. The deep black, is where you will find BlackSword Squadron.

We will carry on the tradition, in honor of our fallen brothers in arms, with a commitment to excellence in every endeavor we partake in.


When members in the unit known as BlackSword, tours of duty were up, we decided to create something that’s less like an organization, but more like a band of brothers in the name of our old unit. One that is not bound by to many restrictions or rules, corporate won’t be looking over your shoulder that closely. In saying that, the Org. is still bound by social responsibility. Members are not here to damage or ruin the good standing and reputation that BlackSword has with the United Empire of Earth or their allies. <—— LET US MAKE THIS CLEAR ! ——>
If caught in any illegal activity, you will be subject to – official denial – On occasion it might be necessary to ride the razor’s edge, between what could be called legal. That is where our former J.A.G. affiliates come in handy …. sometimes, you just have to do what is necessary. The unit is a diversified group of individuals which will be pursuing the fields of, but not limited to, Salvage Exploration Mining Search & Rescue Transportation Escort, plus many other profitable endeavors, that will be discussed at a later date .


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