Ronin Armaments / RONINARMS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security




The Beginning

Ronin Armaments was founded by retired Captain Mark “Maroner” Specter, and retired Commander Hunter “Warlock” Bergeron of the United Earth Empires’ Squadron 42, in 2950. The company was founded with like minded individuals that believed in what the UEE stands for, but not how it was going about business. Maroner believed that century old policies, and failed projects like Project Archangel, were only leading the UEE to bankruptcy and weakness. This lead Maroner, Warlock and others from within their squadron to retire their commission to search for their own answers to the UEE’s problems.

Ronin Arms started as nothing more then a nomadic fleet. Many members picked up their own ships that they had grown attached to over their time in the UEE Navy. Some of the larger ships Maroner himself was able to attain from friends still connected to the UEE. In the beginning, Ronin Arms operated out of the companies Aegis Idris, and Javelin. At that time, members were asked to store spare fighter craft, and other ships in their personal hangars until the company was well enough off to set up it’s own base of operations. This went on for some time, operating off of larger craft, or launching from personally rented landing platforms on friendly worlds.

First Base of Operations

In 2951 Ronin Armaments was finely able to establish a base of operations on the icy world of Odin II. The going was rough for a time, some couldn’t take the cold, but Odin offered Ronin Arms promising business opportunities. The first, would be the Odin I Asteroid Field, commonly called the Belt, but not in the way you would think. Even though the Belt is rich in valuable heavy metals, and extremely valuable caches of gemstones, it is illegal by UEE law to mine said field. But even for a law abiding company there are opportunities such as bounties thanks to a pirate group whose organization and formal allegiance are unknown. This group has been involved in dozens of hit-and-run strikes against legitimate operations within a jump or two of Odin. Another opportunity presented by the Belt is in the form of rescue missions. Not only does the Belt house pirates, but also an electromagnetic phenomenon called arch charges. From time to time you will pick up a distress call from a captain who lead his ship into the Belt looking for riches, only to get struck by a stray arch charge, some will pay quite well for rescue.

Odin II also houses opportunity. The planet is home to a variety of temporary UEE “deep freeze” expeditions, with the lack of surviving vegetation making it an ideal site for a weapons laboratory, among other things. This provides Ronin Arms with a connections to weapons tech, while also allowing for a good import business. When ever one of Ronin Arms’ ships return from a mission, it is standard operating procedure to secure food and medical supplies for the purpose of resale on planet. This allows the company to make a profit on both legs of its missions. One of the last perks to Odin would have to be the notoriously inexpensive fuel prices found from the UEE-sponsored hydrogen rendering station and fuel depot in geosynchronous orbit of Odin IV.


After crating a good foot hold in the Odin System, Ronin Armaments started to reach out to both the Xi’An and the Banu. This action goes back to the founding desire to create a working relationship with both species. Maroner hoped that by befriending and creating a relationship with the non-hostile species Ronin Arms could lay the ground work for stronger allies and business partners for the UEE in the event of even greater hostilities from the Vanduul. In the event allies can not be found, it is still believed that better understanding the other’s technology will help lead to greater breakthroughs in the UEE’s own. One of the set goals to forming Ronin Armaments was to befriend the Xi’An to the point they could man an expedition to the Kr’Thak home system of Krell.

To this day Ronin Armaments continues it’s drive to assist the UEE from outside its bounds. Ronin Arms has always been about making a living, but beyond that was also helping defend the strength of the UEE to better defend the home worlds many of the members of Ronin Arms grew up in. To that end, the company has been known to take an ever expanding range of jobs and contracts. Ronin Arms to this day has stakes in transport, security, research and development, exploration, and diplomatic missions stretching over large areas of space.


Ronin Armaments is a Jack of all Trades group. Ronin will do everything from scouting/exploring, to resource management, to supply and logistics, engineering/manufacturing, to using those items we engineer to take on security and bounty hunting assignments.

Ronin Armaments will be a legitimate Freelance PMC. We plan to do business within all lawful space. We hope to be friendly within the UEE, Banu, and Xi’an for starters.


Core Values

  • The Law- We are a law abiding company and will not tolerate those whom do not abide by it.
  • Professionalism- We expect all employees to conduct them selves in a professional manner while under the employment of Ronin Armaments
  • Fun- At the end of the day this is a game and we are all here to have fun.

Rules and regulations

  • Respect all members.
  • Racism or any other form of bullying will NOT be tolerated.
  • Admiralty’s word is final, don’t argue.
  • Orders are orders follow them to the best of your ability.
  • We are all adults here don’t start drama.
  • We are a UEE friendly company piracy or any other form of illegal activity will NOT be tolerated.
  • All Rule and Regulations are subject to change