Rosewood / ROSEWOOD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Rosewood Explorers will search the galaxies for new treasures, fogoten lands and help people tanceport what can’t be moved. we partake in some questionable actions but we don’t kill civilians without good reason.




At rosewood we are peaceful with one another and stay out of each others business unless we’re invited, we keep to the charter of the guild. Any members are alowed to take any job that is alowed by the charter. within the guild we promote the sharing of missions EG: security on a cargo convoy. we promote any dodgy jobs so that people who are less reputable gain missions in return we require discrestion for any jobs. The jobs we promote as a guild are as follows: Exploring, Bounty Hunting, Cargo Transport, Smuggling, Security, Scouting, Engineering and Trade. In no way do we condone piracy.

In Rosewood we don’t have any ranks we are all equal.

If you have this job we need you to help maintain the ships that belong to the members of the guild. To do
this we will allow you to charge what you want for your service but we would ask that you to keep your
prices resonable. we would also like you to offer to be a member of crew on one of are largers ships.

We would like anyone who volunteer’s to be a scout to have a medium sized ship and be a resonable pilot
this is so that you can make it home.

We don’t want people to be only a Security as we promote other jobs such as Bounty Hunting but we would
like peole who will be hired by the others of the guild to be security for missions and travel.

Smuggler & Cargo Transporter
We would like anyone who wants to do ether of these jobs to follow any charter, other than this we would
prefer you to hire security from the guild as it helps other mambers.

Not Decided
Anyone who just wants to join another crew are warmly welcomed as many of our memvers need a larger
crew. jobs you will be doing will include: Convoy doctor/medics gunners and on board management staf.


In general anything go’s. Things we don’t want:
  • Aggression to ther members
  • Killing civillans
  • Any scouts and Explorers leaving without a wing man
  • Smuggling civillans
  • Death

If you break any of the rules you will be juged by the heads of the different jobs to discuss a fair punishment.