RockStar Mining / RSMC

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Resources
  • Freelancing

We focus on everything involving the Work side of Life. Such as Resources of any kind.

We want to be the place you want to hang out after work, in an safe mature environment.



  • RockStar Mining was founded on October 28, 2014. Mainly focusing on Coal mining.
  • In 2061 the Company expanded its activities to Helium 3 Mining on the Moon
  • In 2098 we started mining on Ceres in the main asteroid belt in our Solar System
  • When the Mars Tragedy happened in 2125 RockStar Mining withdrew all further planned mining activities on the Mars.
  • As of the Technological Inventions of the 23th Century, mining reached out into more distant regions of our Solar System
  • In 2232 we took part in the first Colonial flight to the nearest Solar system, unfortunately that resulted to the tragic loss of one of our vessels in the Nesso Triangle while exploring for new mining locations .
  • As of the Discovery of Jump points in 2271 we extended our company into the exploration business
  • In 2290 the Nul System was Discovered by a brave RSM explorer
  • 2380 the UNE was born. It was about time… New opportunities arise
  • After the first Contact with the Banu in 2438 RSM established trade routes and improved relations with the Banu people and secured rights to several mining locations across the Banu territory.
  • the Terra settlement in 2516 was a great opportunity for us to settle a great new corporate remote office, to expand even further into the verse
  • 2550 Gold horizon was established a powerful competitor in the mining sector was on the rise.
  • 2603 During the second Tevarin war UEE was in high need for raw materials RSM was offered a lucrative contract to supply the industry with minerals the cooperation resulted to a long lasting fruitful relationship between the two parties
  • 2681 The increasing number of Vanduul raids on our trading and mining vessels lead to the creation of the RSM security division consisting of several fighting ships.

under construction


Rockstar Mining Corporation

  • As an Organisation, we strive to achieve self-sufficiency and be independent.
  • We respect and follow the UEE Laws!
  • We dont tolerate RSMC members to be involved in criminal activities such as Piracy or Griefing.
  • We are known as respect- and trustful Mercheants, Selling a variety of goods and services to the Citizens of the Verse.
  • We look forward to explore every rock and star in the Verse, and of course make profit of it!

Our Branches Trading, Security and Exploration provide a variety of Services such as:

Cargo Hauling, Resources, Mercheants od anny kind, Medical treatment, Refueling and manny more.

Protection and Bounty-Hunting.

We keep you updated with valuable and Exclusive Informations.



  • We want people with mature mentality.
  • Be a team player.
  • Take part on the daily organization activities when online.
  • Be available on discord when online.
  • we strive to achieve our organization to be self-sufficient and independent.

The Rockstar Mining Corporation consists of three main branches, wich are Trading, Security and Exploration.
Members joining RSMC must have set this as main Organization on their profile. We want to create a community were all memebers enjoy a friendly and warm community atmosphere, enganging in team based activities.
Afiliates are also accepted that will serve as contacts with others organizations in order to cooperate in all levels.


Represents the work side of the Game such as
Cargo, Science & Research, Trading, Mining, Farming, Repair, Tuning & Engineering, Medical, Salvage, Refueling and everything else amogst those hard working Professions.


Focusses mainly on the Protection of RSMC goods, property and members.
We also Offer a Variety of bookable Personel and Ships to ensure no Pirate gets his Hand on your valuable merchantise . Bounty hunters are also welcome .


Information is Key, to survive in the deadly environment of the Universe
We See great Use and Potential of Professions like Info-Running and Exploration. We want to have exclusive mining-claims and jumppoints.

As an well established Organisation founded on October 28, 2014. We have our own History, but we need YOU to set the Future.

We rate activity over size and number of ships.