Rune Skald EST. 2793 AD / RUNES2793

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Engineering
  • Trading

Bringing you the best products and services in the verse!
Rune Skald is a long standing Organization with a corporate structure, anyone can join but do you have what it takes to rise to the top ranks. With roots in exploring the unknown, and discovering new worlds to inhabit and prosper!


Story of Rune Skald

Ironside has left his home planet in search of something better, with his clan of star-farers they are well adverse in travel and exploration. While in space they have an easier time getting away with their fast ships. With their ability to land virtually anywhere for a raid, or put up an exploration camp their fortune is surely secured! With values in freedom, and loyalty Rune Skald attracts new comers with high ambitions with values to match which fuels Rune Skald’s reach, and wealth of power and knowledge! While officially recognized as an official Org established in 2793 Ironside and his band of Rune Skald explorers and warriors have been around much longer then that going back to the early ages of the old world. References to old traditions, and symbolism dating back 2000 years give or take!


Ambitions of a Rune Skald

Rune Skald Corp is a group of established explorers with ambitions in further exploration while growing their empire of industrious production chains and trade routes. With a solid corporate structure with the “No Dead Weight” Rune Skald is accepting all applicants, though your milage may vary depending on your ambitions, tactics, and work ethic. Rune Skald intends to deliver the best for the best in the verse from Elite Luxury transport to production of it’s ships and infrastructure as well as its personnel all the way from first day crew members to highest ranking shareholders and captains. “Prosperity for all who want it” -quoted by Ironside.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.