Reaver Innovative Solutions / RVRS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Reaver Innovative Solutions is a service corporation dedicated to solving your most difficult problems. Specializing in mercenary and freelance work we aim to provide everything from boots on ground to discrete cargo retrieval and beyond.

([Click Here for Discord])


Reavers as a gaming group formed in early 2015 out of a need to get back to what made the video gaming experience enjoyable. It originally served to let us focus on games that encourage teamwork, competitive play, and group oriented goals. The founding members were originally pvp focused players from games that commonly promoted that type of gameplay.

Being a community involved in several pre-launch MMO’s, we believe strongly in playing games together. While we wait for Star Citizen to reach further persistence and feature completeness, we continue to play both cooperative pve MMOs as well as survival and pvp games, gaining new members along the way. While the individual titles might be a bit much to list here, these games work to cement our identity as a group as well as give us the operational structure we enjoy today.


The goal of Reaver Innovative Solutions is to be the first name you think of when you absolutely need something done, no matter what that thing is.If you are just getting set up with a base on a moon you might likely look to us to provide security and protection. The extra step we take is to have someone that can offer their services to build that base for you as well, so that you only have to look for one company to provide the services you require. In that way we can operate with a specialization (security and combat assist) while having individual employees that fill out other service related professions. This means if you want a one stop shop there is no reason to look elsewhere. We have a diverse membership and we can assure you if it’s a service worth hiring out, we can provide it.

The universe is a big black expanse filled with many little lights. The people that fill that void are likely to have aims as large as controlling major sectors or as small as picking the bones of past aggression while living free. The aim of R.I.S. is to work towards a customer base at both ends of the extreme (when able). By leveraging past and future contacts we hope to engineer good relations not weighed against our size, but built on our dependability and coordination. We believe the only way to make a mark in a big universe full of larger entities is by reputation and that’s where we will excel.


  • Organizational Scope: Reaver Innovative Solutions is a service related corporation. We specialize in mercenary support but we also provide bounty hunting, base building, information gathering, resource acquisition, and freelance operations. The eventual goal is to create a reputation as one of the most dependable service corporations in the verse, regardless of the service you might require. Most of this will be built on the reputation gains from successful contract completion over time.
  • Leadership Structure: R.I.S. is a corporation with a clear chain of command. We have a singular leader with supporting officers. As the game moves towards persistence we will have squad leaders as well. These positions are given to trusted members, as those positions are needed, under a meritocracy mindset. We also do not operate under any kind of member representation model. This keeps the red tape relatively clear of operations and keeps our game time fun.
  • Recruitment: To join Reavers as a recruit, one simply has to be invited or express interest. From there the road to membership varies person to person. We do not have a “typical” or “formal” recruitment process. We have higher expectations of our members from typical modern online gaming communities, and as such we find it critical that our new members “mesh” with our existing members. We recruit people based on natural interaction, full membership is by invitation only. There is no time limit on how long this process takes, there are many factors involved in our decision to allow someone to become a Reaver.

** Member Expectations:* We expect our new members and recruits to respect the minimal guidelines for success in competitive groups (listed below)

  1. Team Oriented- We expect our members to work towards the benefit of the group over the benefit or goals of the individual. This doesn’t mean we disallow members to have their own goals, but it does mean we expect them to put team goals in a higher priority than personal ones when needed.
  1. Communication Etiquette- This clan does not tolerate cross talk during our pvp engagements on voice programs. Unless you are sharing information that is important to an operation (for example someone is attacking from our left/east/etc) please refrain from talking over your squad leaders. If you do queue up in chat to warn of something, keep your message short. Expect mandatory push to talk channels for most if not all group combat engagements.
  1. Chain of Command- You might not always think that your leadership has given the best orders during a fight. You might even be right, no one wins all the time. The correct time to point that out is never during the actual battle. Do as directed, and after an operation we will conduct an after action review to determine what happened, why it happened, and what we can do to improve next time. We generally do an AAR after all operations, whether they are successful or not. We do not tolerate arguing during operations, it only serves to confuse the other members and generate unnecessary drama.
  1. Play To Win- Reavers subscribe to “Playing to Win”. Which is a brilliant defense against those that tend to put artificial barriers between mechanics they will or will not use in a competitive game. You can find it by ([Clicking Here]). We don’t play the game we wish we had, we play the one we are given.