Salvage and Repair Co. / SALREPCO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Security

Welcome to Salvage and Repair Co, our company understands that ships are the beating heart of all aspects of life in the verse. This knowledge inevitably urges us to merge the closely linked, yet inverted, fields of salvage and repair in order to make happy customers and happier employees.


Salvage and Repair Co. is a fledgling company that seeks to grow from humble beginnings in the Stanton system, into an acclaimed cross-system brand.


Essential Information / TLDR:

We are looking to primarily recruit members located within the US for time zone compatibility and lag prevention reasons. There are no required ships or any other barriers to entry for this org. We are labeled as exclusive simply so that leaders can vet and casually/briefly chat with prospective members in order to double check that they understand the vision for this org; and to also see how they may wish to be a part of- as well as shape- that vision in the early days of this org.


Do you like the idea of taking on salvage and repair at scale (this includes security and cargo/logistics too!) with refined teamwork? Then this org just might be for you. Does it sounds fun to theory-craft, plan group operations, or to think about logistics in regards to salvage and repair? Then you might fit right in as a leader within this org. We hope that you will join us in our new and evolving journey!


Request to join, or DM our friendly CEO to see if you belong on our staff today!


Learn more about our vision in manifesto tab!


Heart of the Verse

Salvage and Repair Co. staunchly believes that the heart of the verse lies in the ships that connect us all together. It is through both the reclamation and repair of those ships, and their intricate and expensive systems, that we are able to maintain a healthy economy and a healthy verse. The economy of the verse is entirely reliant on working ships and their parts, and therefore the materials they are comprised of as well.

Crossing Disciplines

Salvage and Repair Co. is made up of two primary distinct disciplines, but it is easy to see how their inverse nature can harmonize and support each other as two sides of the same United Earth Credit. Salvaged components and material can directly supplement or indirectly finance the front heavy operating costs required to offer our premium repair services. Our repair services produce salvage from the damaged parts and components of the ships that we repair which supplements the high profits from our repair operations, both of which can ultimately then be invested back into our salvage operations, completing the loop. To summarize, salvage and repair go hand in hand despite, and because of, being the inverse of each other.

Holistic Support

Salvage and Repair Co. understands that maintaining a self sufficient salvage and repair company requires more than just our beloved salvage and repair technicians. Despite primarily focusing on salvage and repair, the company finds it prudent to manage internal contracts with logistics and security staff to support these operations in house and keep overhead low. The logistics discipline is essential for keeping all aspects of the company moving to where they are needed, be it transporting employees, towing ships or hauling processed materials to store or sell. Lastly, the Security discipline is often viewed as waste of precious UEC’s but Salvage and Repair Co. knows that it is better to have and not need than it is to need and not have. This is particularly true during the highly profitable but unsecure salvage operations conducted within the dead space found outside the confines of UEE controlled space. To summarize, without the logistics and security departments working to support our salvaging and repairing operations, our company would struggle keep profits high and customers happy.


All Employees of Salvage and Repair Co. must obey these rules as stated in their contract, failure to comply with these terms can result in termination of employment. The rules are listed in descending order of importance and severity.

1. Protect and maintain the company’s buisiness interests1

2. Follow the law in UEE controlled space2

3. Be professional, mature, fair, and courteous toward your fellow citizens when you are actively or indirectly representing the company3

1 Be mindful of how your actions can impact everyone in the org and the time and money (real or fake) that they have put into this game to try to have fun

2 No unlawful killing, piracy, or smuggling when associating with the company… its a bad look and I really cant go back to jail man please! :(

3 Don’t be a jerk!