Salvage Rats / SALVAGERAT

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Engineering

Salvage is our business.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our in-house employees and all affiliated contractors are trained to provide fast and reliable service. We do not acknowledge or assume responsibility for how a wreckage came to be and/or who or what was involved.

Salvage Rats Ltd is a corporate business which follows the rules and regulations set out by the local authorities of any given sector of space which we may be working.

Salvage Rats Ltd can not be held responsible for any activity participated by any affiliated contractors if such activity is outside of an official Salvage Rats Ltd contracted work zone.

Salvage claim contracts are a fixed rate value of 10% for finders fee. Should you wish to sell your salvage claim to Salvage Rats Ltd, please contact one of our employees or contractors. Once the salvage has been cleared and sold, you will be compensated with the 10% finders fee.


All employees and contracted work staff of Salvage Rats Ltd must adhere to the local authority laws, rules and regulations of the local sector of space while in a designated Salvage Rats Ltd official contracted work zone.

All Salvage Rats Ltd employees will receive basic equipment and survival suit for use within Salvage Rats Ltd owned and operated salvage vessels.

Salvage Rats Ltd employees will get priority over third party contractors when handling salvage shifts, work orders and reclaimer habitation allocation.

Salvage Rats Ltd employees will have access to free repairs for any salvage vessel or escort/defence vessel.

Contractors signed up for Salvage Rats Ltd affiliate program will have access to 50% discount on repairs of all vessels.