Star Citizen Unity Organization / SBUNITY

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Resources

We are Unity All for one and one for all

Our Discord Channel is

We are a Organisation. Occupations are-Exploring,Trading,Combat,Mining, and more.Team Play, Training, We use Discord jobs you do you will be paid for…ships credits knowledge available …apply within


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Our Organization operates around some simple guidelines:

Act like a grown up. 
Jokes and giggles are fine – drama or fighting like children is not.
Be supportive of fellow members. Our Organization is made what it is by it’s members. We require those who join Unity cOrganization be able to work with other members, further strengthening our already strong community spirit. We will respect the lone wolf, and will still do business with those who choose to fly on their own. But we require those who join us to be comfortable
Do honest business. When we do business, Unity Organization members are expected to be up front and honest. We expect no less from those outside of our organization. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. We strive to be a trustworthy group.
We do NOT condone Piracy. IF you want to take peoples ships join Someone Else.