Star Citizen Brokers Association / SCBA

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Social

“Let US do the research for YOU


As long as there has been trade there has also been a necessity for a middleman, a person or group of people who own neither cargo nor ships but instead possess close relationships with those who do. Brokers have been around for millennia, helping guide those who require services to those who provide them, as well as referring new clients to those who provide. Here at Star Citizen Brokers Association we continue to provide this necessary service to help keep the Galactic economy thriving, as well to help new citizens work their way into the Galactic marketplace and keep the existing citizens secure.


Here at Star Citizen Brokers Association we aim to help you find the services you require and clients who require yours. Whether you are looking for someone to haul your cargo, interested in leasing your ships out, or just want to build your client base we’ll help guide you in the right direction. Utilizing our wide network of organizations, we will set you up with only the most professional and trustworthy citizens to ensure economical, integral, and consistent business.

Our top priority is to help you find the services you need at the cheapest possible rates, and to do that we consult our network of affiliate organizations on your behalf so you do not have to worry about dealing with unproven organizations and uncertainty. Doing this not only ensures that you deal only with trustworthy organizations, but also those proven organizations will continue to receive steady and reliable business due to our mutual relationships.

For each service we will come up with a binding contract where the terms and intentions are well defined for both parties. At SCBA we firmly believe that transparency makes for the best dealings so that everyone is in-the-know. Only non-sensitive information will be disclosed however, as to maintain a level of security and privacy.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.