Space Cowboys / SCINC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

We are your Interplanetary home for bounty hunting. We share information and jobs for any bounties. We are a Freelance Bounty Hunting organization, with no affiliation to any other organization. We strive to work discreetly. We try to operate within the law, but that doesn’t always go as planned.


Founded in 2948, The Space Cowboys are the only independent bounty hunting organization in the “Verse”. Started by a bounty hunter looking for the support of other hunters, with nowhere to go, they have begun to stretch their wings and fly through the cosmos. The founder, AceOfSpadez, set out in his Aegis Avenger looking to make his way in the verse. After being approached by several organizations and individuals looking to have people detained from areas they were not allowed to go, he decided to make a network of independent pilots looking to make their name in the verse along with the money. They attempt to work within the law, but that doesn’t always pan out for the hunters.


Howdy Citizens,

We intend on being your number one spot for bounty hunting! Whether you intend on being a hunter yourself, or need to hire one to do a job for you, we are the organization for you. We have a open network of cowboys and cowgirls that all information is spread to for faster and more reliable service. All jobs are open to all hunters, with no favoritism. We intend to help right the wrongs done to any people of the verse.


These are the rules All Cowboys and Cowgirls must adhere to.

1. All hunters work as independents (unless support is needed in which the pay is divided between hunters)
2. All hunters must work within the law to the best of their ability
3. Any hunter that breaks laws, must face ramifications of their actions on their own (the org is not responsible for you breaking the law)
4. Any bounty marked DOA must be faced as delivering the asset alive, unless circumstances prohibit that
5. All information for bounties and jobs must be shared publicly within the org for all hunters to see and attempt
6. Withholding information on bounties or jobs will be noted, and may cause you your position in the organization
7. It is not required, but any “Kick Backs” to the org for the services provided are greatly appreciated and will go towards funding the org further