Mercenaries of Mikunn / SCMOM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the Mercenaries of Mikunn.

We are a mature group of players hailing from Elite Dangerous in search of more space fun and excitement.

As the name implies we are a band of Mercenaries who hold no real affiliation and fight for the right amount of money. Piracy is not on our agenda.


We are a mature group of player with experience in space sims, ranging from trading all the way to bounty hunting and exploration. Our birth place is in Elite:Dangerous, however, we seek to expand our horizons with more space fun and excitement.

The main goal of the Mercenaries is to provide mercenary work for all those that request it for a certain fee. We do not accept Pirate contracts though, even though we might be Mercenaries we do not stray towards the path of Anarchy and believe that profits can be made without having to steal them from someone else.

We welcome anyone with open arms in this new galaxy and hope to make a difference, small or big it does not matter. But the first and foremost thing we hope is that we can have fun.


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