SchattenWolf / SCTWOLF

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to SchattenWolf

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This Org is set to inactive by 09.10.2023

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The task ahead of you is never as great as the team behind you!


SchattenWolf had originated as a group of survivors from the Vanduul attacks on Vega ll in 2945 who scuttled an old Idris into working condition to escape the carnage. These survivors later formed together in 2950 to form the now SchattenWolf.


SchattenWolf is a PMC focused org with our core gameplay evolving around combat.
You can join one of our three established wings:

In our Military wing you’re able to either be a part of the Navy or Marine core, each of which specialise within their respective natures. In the navy you’ll be able to be a part of the growing ScW fleet, taking part in security operations and battles from fleet to fighter wings. The Marine core will provide on board ship security, boarding actions and ground assault.

The Logistics wing provides you with different opportunities with its split core design, being able to be a part of repair and refuel jobs along with supplying the Military wing with required war equipment as well as saving wounded personnel on the battlefield.

Our Economic wing is the backbone of all our needs and resources, providing us with avid opportunities to do trading, mining and salvaging. All of which will be easier to do with help from the other wings.

We will claim resources in our own best interests to benefit our members, locking down areas of significance. We will provide members with dedicated training sessions, resources such as ships as well as gear. We will use our military as a form of fleet projection but are also open to more diplomatic measures.


SchattenWolf Rules Legislation

Global Rules———————————————————————————————————————————————

0.1 : Members are not to engage in poor behaviour such as bad language and racism etc.

0.2 : Members who are streaming must use the allocated streaming voice chats. Members are not to be streamed unless within the streaming voice channels allocated.

Org-Rules —————————————————————————————————————————————————

1.1 : SchattenWolf members are not to use cheats or hacks when playing. Immediate kick from the organisation will be given to offenders.

1.1.1 : SchattenWolf members are not to grief other players such as pad ramming or illegitimate gameplay.

1.1.2 : All instances of being killed, drugged, stolen from, griefed, property destruction, sold or used as bait by another member of SchattenWolf should be noted to an Officer of SchattenWolf for a reasonable compensation fee to be set for the victim paid by the aggressor.

1.2 : If you place ‘interest’ in a SchattenWolf event, this means you WILL BE PARTICIPATING. If you do not show up on time without an appropriate reason, a 50k aUEC fine will be handed out and you will not be able to participate in further events until paid off.

1.2.1 : SchattenWolf members are not to stream during org events without higher ranking permission given from an Officer. (Enforced by Officer Haku)

1.3 : SchattenWolf members are to follow orders and instructions from higher ranking members.

1.4 : SchattenWolf members are able to participate in black market trades as long as it does not collide with the interests of SchattenWolf, such as selling information or data.

1.4.1 : SchattenWolf members are not to make a profit margin above 20% on other members during deals.

1.5 : SchattenWolf assets must be returned, repaired and refuelled if used by a member.

1.6 : When participating in an in-game contract, money is split by the contract. When participating in a player event, 50% of the profit is handed out equally to all participants, the other 50% is handed out on performance chosen by the host.

1.6.1 : If a job is placed between two org members, the value for the job is not to change unless agreed upon by both parties.

1.7 : When loaning aUEC from SchattenWolf members, return values on the loan must be confirmed before the loan is taken, this value must be a set non-compounding value and evidence must be kept of this transaction.

1.8 : SchattenWolf members are not to upload videos containing other members without prior consent.

1.9 : SchattenWolf members are not to use the org tag (ScW-Name) unless officially promoted to Crewman ranking or higher.

1.9.1 SchattenWolf members are not required to utilise the org tag.

1.10 : SchattenWolf does not advertise themselves as a pirate org albeit there are no rules against it.