• Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Piracy

SENSOU – the warmongers are coming!


SENSOU translates to War in Japanese, this pretty much captures the essence of our community, we love our combat focused games. Our team has been together for a number of years now, predominantly recruiting from extended friend circles. SENSOU is a PvP focused community where its members average age is 35+.

Many of us have gamed recreationally for many years however we recently banded together in 2012 for RvR in GW2, we then moved through TERA, PS2, WarZ and Darkfall Unholy wars. We achieved much success in Darkfall, sieging and capturing our very own hamlet “Spiderfang”, we defended this territory right up to the point we departed from the game. We currently regularly group up for TESO, Arma 3, BF4 and DayZ standalone clan events.

During 2014 we are most looking forward to IL2 Sturmovik BOS, Elite dangerous & of course Star Citizen!

I hope you enjoy the video below, it is a short representation of one of our many clan ops which we historically ran in WarZ during early 2013, this provides you with a small example of our team ethos, co-ordination and direction.


Bounty Hunting and Piracy,

say it together now, Yaaarrrgghhhh!!


War is our business, if your not with us your against us, were coming for your hull!