Sentinels / SENTINELS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Sentinels, when professionals are what’s needed. We’ll see you and your cargo safely there, and back again.


The Sentinels have existed in various incarnations through out the years. Our recent focus has been FPS games such as Planetside and Planetside 2, but the roots of our organization go back to the late 1990s and Everquest.

We specialize in small squad tactics and making the most of what we’re given, most often to spectacular results.

At this time, our primary focus in Star Citizen will be private security for long haul exploration outfits and cargo haulers.


Sentinels specialize in security operations. We excel at transporting materials or information We embrace and utilize the constant advances being made in information management for threat deterrence purposes and provide our customers with the most cutting edge collection of technologies available anywhere. We deliver highly versatile and seamless threat mitigation strategies that are easily integrated into any threat environment with greater cost efficiencies than traditional capabilities-based approaches.


SENTINELS are truly a brotherhood.

We have a solid back ground with our current members but are always looking for new additions. As a caveat, know that we are particular about who we bring into our organization and spend our time with, thus we’ve developed recruitment regime that fits our needs above all else.

We welcome alliances with like minded organizations or individuals, and base mission rewards on results, consistency, and long term reliability.