Server Cleaners / SERCL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Scouting

Keeping the Servers Clean by annihilating forces of evil and conducting Counter-Piracy Operations in the off-season.

We aim to bring server stability via brute force.


Join now and realize your dream of contributing to the progress, and support of game development and testing!


This organization has been started to wake people up. We believe we can make a positive difference in the Star Citizen community through positive reinforcement, and leading by example.

We originally started to eliminate the “duper” threat, but thankfully CIG has done that for us.

We also aim to highlight in-game issues, and aid development through applying pressure in the right areas.


We will certainly have marked targets and bounty postings internally in the organization, and there will be an in-game UEC pay-structure for high-value targets, so that we can pursue them across all servers, and truly make a difference.

If “duping” is fixed one day, we will continue our security and bounty hunting activities as planned.



There will be no discrimination of any sort in this organization, and that goes for targets, as well. Nobody gets special treatment of any sort, either. If you are a member, you will be treated with respect and respect others, no questions asked. If you think you’re better than anyone in the org, you better just move on to where someone wants to hear your crying.