Serreth Industries / SERRIN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading

Serreth Industries, bringing you quality metals for over thirty years.

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Serreth Industries was founded thirty years ago by John Serreth. Fed up with the low pay and poor conditions of his previous employers, John put his experience and expertise to use alongside an entrepreneurial mindset. Determined to bring better working conditions to his fellow miners, he found no shortage of help, and his business rapidly grew. Currently under the leadership of his son, Jehtte, the company continues to thrive, always placing its employees’ well being first.

Who are we?

We are a growing corporation that is expanding from our history of mining into other fields including salvage, logistics, and security.

(We are a roleplay organization whose goal is to make grouping up for organized crew/team gameplay easy, fast, and immersive)

Why Serreth Industries?

Here at Serreth, our people are our top priority. Our goal is to provide you with every opportunity to succeed.

(Our organization is centered on the community. We hope to offer extensive support to all of our members with minimal commitment required. We won’t be kicking more casual players and we don’t plan to require aUEC/UEC contributions at this time. If you’re looking for a simple and reliable way to group up and crew a larger ship, our goal is to be the best place to do it)


Serreth Industries prides itself on bringing high quality metals and other materials to market. Wherever there is ore to mine and wreckage to recycle, a Serreth ship is likely to appear. More than that, we at Serreth create careers for hard-working men and women like you. With competitive pay, and safety being our top priorities, there’s no better place to put your skill and experience to work.


Here at Serreth, we believe in fair pay, and we are more than happy to put our money where our mouth is. Our policy is a simple one, but it is the very heart of our company. For every expedition we set out on, our total profit, that is, money made minus the upkeep for the equipment used, is split evenly across every crew member, captain or temp. We’re confident you won’t want to work anywhere else after you’ve joined our family.