Space Force Dingo / SFDINGO

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social


Space Force Dingo (SFD) is a group of members, who are also a part of a Sim orientated community called Task Force Dingo(TFD), who come together to play and enjoy all things Star Citizen.

Space Force Dingo is a large and highly active group of like-minded gamers who enjoy getting together for some semi-serious fun.

When we’re not playing Star Citizen or building missions for Arma 3 our members can be found playing a wide variety of games ranging from Rainbow 6, GTA, Space engineers, Stellaris and much more.


Our Spectrum page…

What We Are Looking For:

We are looking for responsible players to contribute to all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. People who enjoy being a part of a close-knit team of gamers from all walks of life.
As the game draws closer, we will fill Specialist and Officer positions with members who demonstrate motivation, knowledge and sensibility.

What We Offer:

Mutual respect to everyone, member, ally or enemy. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.


Presentation Affects Reputation, how you present yourself directly affects your reputation and the reputation of those associated with you. Presenting yourself in a mature and respectful way will allow you to gain the respect of friends, enemies, and strangers. It is important to remember that your decisions and actions do not only reflect upon yourself but also upon those around you.

Therefore, Members of SFD must adhere to our policies in order to remain within our ranks. These rules, guidelines and expectations are here for the benefit of each individual member as well as Space Force Dingo as a whole. They will ensure that we represent both ourselves and our brethren in a manner that is fit and becoming of an elite, sophisticated, coordinated, and organised group. Therefore it is the responsibility of each member to follow the Code of Conduct.

Rules, Behaviour, Expectations and You

At Space Force Dingo (SFD) we aim to provide a welcoming, fun and enjoyable Star Citizen experience and community. In order to do so, we have established a set of rules and etiquette that we expect all SFD members to abide by and follow.

As always with rules, there are consequences if a person fails to adhere to the expected levels of behaviour. While there are no set ban time frames ultimately the administrator response will reflect the nature of the violation and these responses are at the discretion of the administrative team here at SFD.

Deliberate team killing will not be tolerated- this includes destroying friendly assets in a mission.

Explicit or otherwise unsavoury images, text or usernames are not to be transmitted, linked or displayed in any method of communication available to SFD members; this includes but is not limited to TS, Steam, Facebook, in-game, forums

Use of unauthorised modifications or scripts that could potentially disrupt our events will not be tolerated

Abuse (verbal, written or otherwise) of other players or administrative staff, not only within SFD but externally as well, will not be tolerated. Verbal abuse based on race, religion or political affiliation will not be tolerated.

If you are a member of SFD and you are playing on another community’s server while displaying any semblance of affiliation with SFD you will abide by that community’s rules and expectations in addition to our own

Respect other players and community members both within SFD and outsiders as well.

When on Teamspeak do your utmost to refrain or prevent transmitting background noises that are not relevant to normal human conversations; this includes rustling food packets – loud background conversations – high pitched or loud noises THIS HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DAMAGE PEOPLES HEARING AND WILL RESULT IN INSTANT REMOVAL FROM DISCORD.

When waiting for the rally stage of our events please do not complain regarding wait times as organising events with large numbers of players will always result in unforeseen issues arising whether they be mission or server related – trust us when we say that admins are FULLY aware when events don’t go according to plan

Treat your teammates with respect especially those who have chosen to participate in leadership roles. Respect is a two-way street; commanders respect those under them while troops follow all reasonable orders promptly and without debate


Please remember that this community, its events and its content are all done on a fully voluntary basis. None of us gets paid to create and maintain this community so deadlines and events delays will occur so do not get unreasonably angry or post unconstructive criticism when this happens

As a welcoming community, we encourage players to step up into roles or positions they might not have tried yet. Do not unfairly criticise the performance of other players as everyone always has something to learn.

Do not ridicule or otherwise unfairly treat our Fairly New Guys (FNGs) as SFD strives to encourage new members to actively participate in our community and we do not want to see people driven away by poor behaviour.

Keep conflicts out of the public space in our community; if you have an issue or concern regarding any aspect of SFD (whether people or process related) please contact one of our administrative team.

We here at SFD thank you for taking the time to read through the above and we honestly hope that we will never have to remove undesirable members from our community.