Spacefarers League / SFLEAGUE

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

We specialize in hijacking ships from players with more money than sense. We sell them for profit. We do this with a professional level of organization and efficiency, but still allow our members a great deal of flexibility.

If you want to make credits and take scalps, join us.


“Freedom fighters of the Hurston Liberation League — today, you have won us a great victory. Today, you have immortalised yourselves, and you’ve humbled me beyond words. Through our violent struggle, we have escaped the grasp of tyranny. My staff has informed me that the security forces of the Hurston Corporation are making a full withdrawal — a process that will take them days. This, my friends, is the manifest of our victory, for we now have our window of escape.

The world of Hurston, which we have called home for so many years, we must finally leave. I recognise that many of you are worried about where we will go and how we will survive. These are warranted concerns — but they do not go unanswered. As I speak, plans are being made for our journey to the Goss system. There, in the booming eastern hub of trade, we can craft a new society, equipped with all necessary income and resources. Accordingly, we must give ourselves a new identity — we are no longer freedom fighters, although that title will always remain a part of us.

Our trek across the galaxy will not be an untroubled one. We will be plagued by violence from our former oppressors, difficulties bargaining trade and porting, as well as a host of yet unforeseen dangers. But, nevertheless, we must face this task with courage and enthusiasm. We must become wise to the inner and outer workings of galactic culture and society. We must become adept to galactic travel, combat and underground trade. We must become spacefarers.

I don’t claim honesty, nor do I ask it of you. I can no longer see the rationality in honesty. How can one hold that the law is good in a universe where unprincipled, tyrannical autocrats still hold sway over the lives of millions of working men and women, made possible through the iron fist of capitalism and unrepresentative government?

Disobedience. That is how I plan to live my life. Disobedience for all the years I toiled in the factory; disobedience for all the lives lost pursuing unattainable wealth; disobedience for all the families destroyed through systematic poverty and neglect. For our entire lives, the restrains of conventional life have kept us in check. They work us and work us and work us, coming near, but never breaking our spirit. Never letting us fall into apathy and becoming to them, broken machines. But here we stand, unbroken after all these years, but still not obedient. Instead, we stand victorious!

Tonight, we have broken ourselves free of the chains of bureaucracy, commercialism and the subjugation of inalienable freedoms. Tonight, we have won these freedoms. Now, go out and go forth and enjoy the liberties for which we have fought so hard. Join me, and we will forge a new society for ourselves – one characterised by infinite prosperity and unlimited freedom.”

Audora Tarvani
2930 – fifteen years ago


The purpose of our organisation is quite simple – to make massive profit off of hijacking ships and selling them, as well as their cargo, on the black market. A small, capable group can pull off such operations easily, thereby generating massive payouts for all involved.

We’re mostly looking for players interested in being part of the ‘boarding parties’ responsible for the actual hijacking, since mercs cannot be trusted to fulfill this important role. Apply now!

Ultimately, we hope to build this organisation into a small but very capable team of pilots and marines who can be depended on in raids on highly profitable ships.


We steal ships. Big ones. Idrises, Javelins and Krakens. We do it efficiently and with just as many people and just as much organisation as required, but no more.

This is probably the most time-efficient way to make money in the Verse, provided you are willing to take the risks. This organisation offers you a close-knit family of players committed to perfecting the art of commandeering capital ships. Although we have only been operative for a short time, one can see from our tally below that we have already proven ourselves capable.

As we are a small but growing org, there is ample opportunity to make a name for yourself and to subsequently gain promotion and authority within the organisation. We want our best players at the top.

We are most interested in recruiting players who want to participate in the act of boarding itself (i.e. marines), as this is the role which carries the most responsibility, trust and importance. Nevertheless, if you are an experienced and capable combat pilot, we would also like to hear from you.

If interested, please submit an application form on our website,