Taverneers / SIBERIS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Freelancing

“God has allowed us to live another day, and we’re about to make everyone’s problem.”

- Navarre, Founder and CEO


Taverneers was founded in 2952 by a longtime spacefarer along with some newcomers to the Stanton system. Originally envisioned as a gathering place for friends and as a way to keep each other out of trouble, the current Taverneers has developed into a business orientated entity which servers as a base for its members as they try to grow their fortunes in the Verse.


Rather than having a specific enterprise which the org focuses on, the Taverneers instead serves to provide support for its members in any endeavors they choose to undertake.
Although the org is small in size it’s members perform a wide variety of activities throughout the Verse with several of them choosing to further specialize into specific roles all with the goal of growing and enjoying their time in the Verse.
During recent times the Taverneers have focused their group activities on salvage and recovery operations along with some trading, however individually the members still undertake bounty hunting, security and investigation contracts along with some small scale mining operations.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.