SIN7 Technologies / SIN7

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome to [SIN7]

We rise, We fall, We build, We explore.


Welcome to [SIN7] – History

The Foundations of [SIN7]

[SIN7] was founded on a young Earth in 2008. [SIN7] started with production of digital software, mechanical and computer hardware for the markets of its time. Due to efficient business practices, combined with good business morals, [SIN7] quickly rose to a multi-billion dollar company. [SIN7]’s primary objective was developing innovative ideas that would help advance technology to the point humans could colonize distant planets and moons however, this rapid expansion of technology and it’s costs were too great for NASA. This led to the dismantlement of NASA in 2019. [SIN7] then sought to hire the experienced and brilliant minds of NASA’s worker’s and scientist, which ultimately led to the privatization of space travel.

Privatization of Space production

Following the disassemblement of NASA, UK Space Agency and CNSA, and other major private space programs started to move workers to the new emerging companies in the Nationalization of Space Exploration. All former employee’s began selling assets throughout the world. This was due to the rapid advancement of space technology. Single countries were unable to meet the cost requirements, nor the building requirements, and were forced to move all assets from majority government businesses to private businesses. Due to the quantity of rich entrepreneurs aspiring to increase riches and boundaries, the choice to disband and dissolve NASA was given the green light in 2019, which was followed by other private space programs.

During the push of Privatization of Space Exploration in the 2020’s, [SIN7] was one of the first companies to purchase a NASA Space Station. along with the majority of working satellites and production facilities. The intent was, and still is to use ships to bring cargo and supplies to the new planets. This was possible because of the fast growing pace of space travel ever since the arrival on Mars, and the evolution of colonies; most notable, Jupiter’s moons.

It would be on the first [SIN7] Space Station “[SIN7] GSS”, the first long distant space explorer the “[SINterceptor 7]” was built. The SINterceptor 7 made its maiden voyage into space to bring supplies to the new colonies founded on Mars and Jupiter’s Moon’s and helped build the first liquid and gaseous hydrogen farms. These events shaped the recognition of [SIN7] as a galactic merchant company [GMC]. During this time, [SIN7]’s demand for ships was privatized and outsourced to the companies known now in the universe as the “lead producers” and “sellers of private space craft”. Also during this time frame, [SIN7] became a Private Military Company [PMC] which specialized in traversing uncharted areas of space, and exploring new and dangerous planets. [SIN7] excavated these locations for life and rare resources using powerful but safe battle explorers. In return, [SIN7] achieved a healthy reputation as explorers and traders anyone can rely on to protect their cargo, and to make sure they get the job done.

The Foundations of [SIN7] Fleets:

[SIN7] founded the fleet groups during the early creation of the organization by purchasing one of NASA’s space stations. This was a way to group and organize fleets more effectively, and efficiently make use of the time and resources which had been put into the ships. The Fleet’s group system has been the backbone of the [SIN7] foundations, and is still used today. The four major groups are as follows:

- Private Military Corporation [PMC]
- Private Merchant Guild [PMG]
- Business Entrepreneur Company [BEC]
- Exploration and Expansion [E&E]

Upon each major Fleet are many sub-fleets and objective/missions related to each section. Please look to the Manifesto for greater detail on this subject.

The Future!

The Future of [SIN7] is one of continued exploration and expansion. – We look to the stars and we want to visit the stars, start new businesses around the universe, create trade routes, and strengthen relationships by creating long and bountiful bonds with other aspiring businesses in PMC, Trade, manufacturing and exploration.

Think you have something to offer [SIN7]? sign up today!

- “Nihil aliud scit necessitas quam vincere”


Welcome to [SIN7] – Manifesto

We are a Regular/Hardcore group that is open to all member’s who wish to join us. We are a PMC group in structure, however we do not always interact with conflict unless that is your chosen path, we prefer to explore and expand, but what you choose to do within [SIN7] is your choice. We do not directly engage in role-playing however, feel free to role-play if that is what you like to do.

[SIN7] motives consist of: exploring, expanding, PMC, growth and trade, also forming businesses of all types over the Universe that interconnect with all these motives. You may choose from whatever type of career and sub careers you want to have in [SIN7] that Star Citizen offers.

Steam Group

[SIN7] Has a Steam group! We encourage you to join up there so that we may stay in contact through the Steam Verse and for other games:

- Ranking System

All current ranks that are set are temporary, this is due to the fact the game has not fully released yet. When the official release date arrives and we are able to play the game, members and affiliates will have official ranks put in place. We are allowing people to gain ranks before the game is out however the effectiveness of this is only going to be small and hard to judge, because we are unable to analyze and promote people without much to judge them on, so we request that members be patient with this system.

Rank 0 – Recruit Pilot
- Given to new members of [SIN7]

Rank 1 – Fighter Pilot
- Given to new/experienced and active members of [SIN7]

Rank 2 – Elite Squadron Pilot
- Given to trusted member’s with experience and familiarity, allowing for a small a Fleet within [SIN7]

Rank 3 – Elite Commander Pilot
- The elite and trusted Pilots who are deserving of the title allowing a large Fleet within [SIN7]

Rank 4 – Fleet Commander
- An highly elite membership allowing total government over an entire Fleet within [SIN7]

Rank 5 – Fleet Admiral
- Admirals of the Fleet for trusted friends and allies giving full administrative rights at [SIN7]

- Roles

Like the Ranking system, roles are currently temporary though self explanatory, however add a bit of depth to the whole ranking system.

Grand Admirals
- For founder’s only, these are the people who Founded [SIN7]

Fleet Commanders -
- For the highly trusted members who will be given administrative access to [SIN7]

Recruiter -
- Honorary role to those who wish to help the organization grow by recruiting for [SIN7]

Marketing -
- Artist role for developing artwork and designs for [SIN7]

- Private Military Corporation [PMC]

- [SIN7] Seek and Destroy
- Planet Guard
- Trade route guard
- Merchant Fleet Guard
- [SIN7] Personal armed fleets
- Mercenary company
- Solo Mercenary
- [SIN7] Resource Recovery Haulage

- Private Merchant Guild [PMG]

- [SIN7] Resource and gathering
- [SIN7] Trade route fleet
- Solo Merchant
- Trade diplomat
- [SIN7] Resource Recovery Haulage

- Business Entrepreneur Company [BEC]

- Resource gathering
- Goods manufacturing
- Trade diplomats

- Exploration and Expansion [E&E]

- Resource gathering
- Resource scout
- Territorial Acquirement
- [SIN7] Planet and uncharted space scouting
- [SIN7] High Risk Explorer

About us:

This is [SIN7], a multipurpose group that rewards activity and contribution to the organization. We specialize in exploring the universe and finding new stars, quadrants, and planets using our impressive array of ships from stealth fighters and super heavy battleships, allowing us to go further and beyond that of the common merchant and explorer. Also allowing us to collect rare resources on far distance planets, and establishing secure and protected trade routes for maximum protection and efficiency.

[SIN7] is an open organization that requires member to be active and friendly. You may choose your own destiny; however, do not implicate [SIN7] and your fellow Star Citizens with irresponsible actions such as:

- Engaging in Piracy (Killing, Stealing)
- Engaging in combat that is not authorized (self defense however is allowed)
- Killing in cold blood
- No Insurance fraud (If its in the game)
- No negative actions towards official allies of [SIN7] – “We take care of our friends!”
- No divulging personal and private group information to any groups in Star Citizen, allied, neutral or enemy

- Be anything you wish, however [SIN7] does not endorse piracy.
- Create your own group within our organization to form task forces and Fleets.
- Play with friends? Request they join, we are open to all, and this also helps you create better groups within [SIN7].
- A structured command system with ranking opportunities for everyone.
- No requirements for joining however activity is monitored and we would love for people to be constantly active.

Contact Us

For further information about [SIN7] please contact one of the lead members:
- DeanV255 –
- Ratheon –
- Se7enHolloW –


- Q1) How old is the [SIN7] Group/Organization?
The genesis of [SIN7] was formed in 2007 and has grown since. The Star Citizen branch was formed and crafted on the day Star Citizen allowed us to create organizations.

- Q2) What are the goals of [SIN7]
Whilst we would like to see [SIN7] become a large organization the goal of [SIN7] and its leaders and members is to build a gaming community that is designed for fun and socializing for fellow Star Citizen fans.

- Q3) What can you tell me about the Founders at [SIN7]?
All the Founders at [SIN7] are extremely energetic about Star Citizen and friendly, they have a large selection of ships and on average have all donated $1000’s of backing/money for each person into Star Citizen. We are also very calm and collected, easy to approach and most importantly understand that Star Citizen at the end of the day is a game.

- Q4) What am i allowed to do in [SIN7]?
I believe this is easier explained by saying “what are you not allowed to do?”, within [SIN7] the only act we do not allow is Piracy or extending into that, anything that would be deemed unlawful. If you do not know what maybe deemed as unlawful please contact one of the Founders or Administrators.

- Q5) I require to get in direct contact with you, you are not in the [SIN7] chat on the Star Citizen page.
Please add:
I will be able to answer any questions directly on my Steam page as i am on almost all the time.

- Q6) I want to increase my rank within [SIN7], how do i do this?
We take into consideration a few factors, sadly we have to get critical when looking at this subject however. We judge you on your activity with [SIN7], your personality and traits, at later stages for the higher ranks we will be looking at leadership qualities and composure under pressure and the size and quality of your fleet. However right now, the game is not out so all ranks are temporary until the game is out. Feel free to let us know what your goal in [SIN7] is however, the more we know the better we can help you achieve that goal, however just saying it wont get you there.

- Q7) I noticed you say you do not role-play in [SIN7], why is this?
We are not against role-playing, if you wish to role-play feel free to do so. I know several members who will role-play on and off so we do not advertise as a role-playing group; however, we see no reason to stop members form having fun.

- Q8) I wish to join [SIN7] but as an Affiliate, is this acceptable?
Whilst we would like members to make [SIN7] the main organization we happily accept Affiliates.


Welcome to [SIN7] Charter

General Rules and Expectations:

  • We strongly encourage to wear the [SIN7] tags whilst in game so you can represent your organization. This also makes it easier for other member’s to join up and get together and becomes mandatory in battles or trade missions. You; however, are only encouraged to display the [SIN7] tag in your avatars if you wish.
  • Members are granted the right to rationally and maturely defend themselves. The [SIN7], other [SIN7] members, and our allies from any defamatory, derogatory, disrespectful, or otherwise negative remarks wherever and whenever appropriate. It is important to note that members are still expected to act in a manner that will reflect positively not only upon themselves, but, by association, [SIN7].
  • Members are cautioned to not take important matters related to [SIN7] into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been previously approved by appropriate ranking Staff officers.
  • Members are charged with maintaining the integrity and privacy of information found within [SIN7] secure forums. Think OPSEC!
  • Issues and concerns regarding any [SIN7] decisions, members, and allies must be, as soon as possible, brought to the attention of the Officer or Staff member, in private (offline), who is next in your immediate chain of command.
  • Members will avoid public confrontations or internal arguments at all costs as it reflects poorly upon not only you, but also upon [SIN7].
  • Members will respect one another and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, and patience.
  • At all times, members of [SIN7] will show respect to officers by listening to them and respecting them. Courtesy and freedom however is given to all rank members, this means high ranking member do not play god over lower rank member’s but we wish respect for the chain of command is upheld for gaming authenticity reasons.
  • NEVER undermine the authority of a ranking member and NEVER abuse other members below you for their rank or playing abilities. If you feel someone is not deserving of rank, peacefully and respectfully bring it up with the said person and affiliated staff.
  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated.
  • Do not, under any circumstance, reply to attacks or topics about [SIN7] on the RSI forums.

Fleet Rules and Guidelines:

  • We strongly encourage to wear the [SIN7] tags whilst in game so you can represent your organization, this also makes it easier for other member’s to join up and get together and becomes mandatory in battles or trade missions. You however are only encouraged to display the [SIN7] tag in your avatars if you wish.
  • Members are granted the right to defend themselves, [SIN7], other fleet members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place.
  • Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces.
  • Piracy is not tolerated.
  • Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game, are highly unacceptable.
  • [SIN7] members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to their division.
  • Members will follow the lead of their division officer / command team and complete assigned tasks.
  • Members should take initiative and engage, when appropriate, in tasks assigned to other divisions.
  • When working with another division, you are expected to adhere to their policies and protocols and to follow the lead of that particular division’s command team.

Teamspeak/Vent/Voice chat Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:

  • No mic spamming.
  • No chatbox spamming.
  • No excessive private messaging or poking of officers. Officers will get back to you when time permits.
  • Do not give out any Fleet Teamspeak or private Vent server info to anyone who is not a member unless given explicit permission or direction to do so by an officer.
  • If someone else is speaking, allow them to finish.
  • Keep chat and links appropriate to the channel.
  • Less civilized, not-exactly-appropriate, conversations should be moved to a designated channel.
  • Treat all guests with a welcoming and respectful attitude.
  • Refer to General Rules listed above.

Jabber/Forums Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:

  • No spamming.
  • Keep chat and links appropriate.
  • Refer to General Rules listed above.