SkyKing Ventures / SKV

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t. People of Earth, your attention, please.

We are SkyKing Ventures, a mature, relaxed for-fun-and-profit organization and we’re looking for you!
See our manifesto, charter and forum post for details.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


We are SkyKing Ventures, a for-fun-and-profit organization. We’re a mature, relaxed organization, and we’re looking for you!

At SkyKing we believe the the only limitation is your imagination, wether you’re a born explorer, trader, mercenary, bountyhunter or freelancing and doing a bit of everything, we welcome all individuals from all professions.

SkyKing is committed to do whatever it takes to further the agenda, wealth, ideals and goals of the corporation and of it’s members. And while we (mostly) abide by UEE law, we won’t shy away to seize opportunities if the need arises. If it pays enough (or is fun enough), it’s good enough!

Shaping the Verse one laugh at a time.
“We’re no unguided missle, we take our career advancement in the ‘verse’ seriously, we just believe it’s best achieved by having as much fun as possible.” *CEO Bonepriest at SkyKing’s annual symposium of 2939

SkyKing is now open for new members!
Our main focus is Exploration and Freelancing but all career paths are welcome, whatever gives you (and us) the most fun, we’ll do.
Why join now? SkyKing intends to leave it’s mark on the early Verse, for all to see later. You don’t want to miss out, trust us.

Operational divisions

SkyKing’s area of operations include:

  • Exploration
  • Freelancing
  • Mercantile
    • Selling the best goods at the sharpest prices
  • Shipping and distribution
    • Long and short distance hauling of cargo and goods
  • Security services
    • Offering escorts and protection
    • Providing Recon and Intel
  • Mining and manufacturing
  • Bounty hunting

The Manifesto is very much a work in progress, more to come soon…


We are a mature organisation, with a laid back/relaxed view on things, and a social focus on building a tight community of friends to enjoy Star Citizen together. Below are the things that we want our members to abide by in order to keep things running smoothly and create a fun, relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for all our members. More info can be found in our recruitment section.

  • Go crazy and have fun! Having a sense of humor is required!
  • As long as you can keep an open mind to other member’s views/beliefs/lifestyle etc. and be respectful to others, just about anything goes.
  • Roleplayers welcome! We’re not a strict 100% roleplaying only organization, but we do welcome roleplaying. However this is not a requirement to join.
  • Help eachother out if possible.
  • No scamming.
  • No begging for credits/ships etc.

There is no obligation as to how many hours you log in, however we do expect you to be involved and interested in our organisation and it’s members. This doesn’t mean that you have to chat like you’re on steroids, (although you can if you want to ofcourse!) but if you are only going to log in and never say a word, SkyKing might not be the right choice.