Space Marine Chapter: Dragon Lords / SMCDL

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

The deeds of one bold warrior can alter the course of a battle. I have thirteen such men under my command and our every deed changes the shape of the galaxy.


You carry the Emperor’s will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows.

Founded in 2942 by our Chapter Master, SMC: Dragon Lords is an organization dedicated to protecting, and upholding the ideals of the United Empire of Earth, and of humanity as a whole. As well as expanding the horizons of both. To this end SMC: Dragon Lords is a small private military company well suited to the dangers on the edge of empire space. Well equipped, and well trained for both combat, and exploration.

In addition to anti-piracy, and exploration operations SMC: Dragon Lords also has a sizeable industrial fleet, headed by one of our illustrious Captains. With these cargo, mining, and construction vessels SMC: Dragon Lords brings not only law, and order, but industry, and opportunity to the far reaches of the galaxy.

Gloria Imperatoris


Camouflage is the color of fear… I have no need to hide from my foes… I have no fear of death. My colors I wear openly, they proclaim louder than any words, “I am proud to live – I am proud to die”

For nearly ten years SMC: Dragon Lords has been an open, friendly gaming community. We are very accepting of everyone, regardless of race, sexuality, political leaning, or religion. While Star Citizen is a large part of our organization we are a community first, and not beholden to any single game. If you are at all interested in joining us, please stop by our Discord server

In Star Citizen we operate in a few areas. Primarily combat, exploration, and industry. We are a lawful organization with strong ties to the UEE. This means we abide by UEE laws, and accept only UEE sanctioned, or otherwise lawful contracts. See our Charter for more details.


  • We provide offensive capabilities, conflict resolution and asset protection to civilian, mercenary, militia groups, and established imperial organizations such as the Navy, Marines, and Advocacy.
  • With our modest ground fleet, and dedicated ground troops we are at the forefront of planetside security, and combined arms warfare.
  • Members are encouraged to assess and respond to distress calls and emergency situations in a lawful and appropriate manner.
  • The Vanduul are the enemy of the empire, and humanity, and as such are the sworn enemy of SMC: Dragon Lords as well. Members should treat any Vanduul encountered as hostile, to be purged at your discretion.


  • Our primary goal is to push out from the borders of UEE space to find new worlds, and lost technology. The search for resources, and the expansion of humanity’s presence among the stars.
  • To this end we scout, and map jump points. Prospect planets, and asteroids for valuable, and exploitable resources.
  • We encourage members to homestead on distant worlds. Claiming land in the name of SMC: Dragon Lords, and the Empire.


  • Once we’ve found something to exploit we can either sell it back to the UEE, or exploit it ourselves. With our fleet of mining, cargo, and now construction ships.
  • We also offer our services to the highest bidder. Performing lawful freelance trade, shipping, and other services.

Recruitment & Alliances:

If you are interested in joining our organization, or wish to propose an alliance please contact either Raigner Ocelot, or Obscene Chicken. In either case joining our Discord server is highly recommend.


My honor is my life. My duty is my fate. My fear is to fail. My salvation is my reward. My craft is death. My pledge is eternal service.

Rules of Conduct
To be followed at all times when representing The Dragon Lords.

  • Piracy, Terrorism, or any activities deemed illegal by UEE charter will never be acceptable, any member caught, will be expelled from the group. If you see someone else, ally, enemy, or otherwise being attacked by pirates, you may engage the pirates at your discretion.
  • Members will offer aid to any person in distress if safe to do so. BE CAUTIOUS, just because they have no criminal history and are in a escape pod, doesn’t mean you want them on your ship. We are kind, but not fools.
  • Any form of cheating, exploitation, or use of unauthorized 3rd party programs is strictly prohibited.
  • Members will not accept any contracts that are illegal or would require illegal actions.
  • Members will complete all contracts taken to the best of their abilities.
  • Members will only conduct themselves rationally and maturely at all times when wearing our regalia or in any way representing The Dragon Lords
  • Members will respect the chain of command and their authority in all matters related to The Dragon Lords and activities performed as a group.
  • Members may never undermine the authority of a ranking member in public. If you must question the leadership, do so privately. Any authority acting out of line may be reported to their superior in the chain of command as necessary.
  • Members will not take important matters into their own hands regardless of circumstances.
  • Members may defend themselves, The Dragon lords, other members, and or our allies from defamatory, derogatory, disrespectful and negative comments when appropriate. Failure to follow the second rule in these actions hurts us all.
  • Members may not make negative comments about anyone or thing. Racism, Sexism and other such forms of intolerance will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Rules of Commerce

  • Theft of any ones belongings, due to their poor security, others actions, or by force is considered Piracy and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
  • Spoils of war, such as a ship boarded and cargo contained within, secured by allies, does not apply and is free game but to be split evenly in value or number between all parties directly involved.

Rules of Diplomacy
This includes all interactions with outside individuals

  • Treat all guests with a warm welcome and respect.

Rules of Engagement

  • Engagement of allied vessels or personnel is strictly prohibited unless in self defense.
  • Destruction or theft of allied vessels or property is strictly prohibited.
  • When under a squad or fleet commander, their orders will be followed to the letter. Save your questions for after the deployment/exercise. The only exception to this is obviously suicidal or illegal actions.
  • Mic / VOIP protocol shall be followed if any is present. Any interruption in important communication costs lives.

Rules of Communication

  • VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) is our primary form of communication unless notified otherwise.
  • Do not give any one Dragon Lords information unless approved by an officer. This includes but is not limited to, passwords, private conversations, logs, fleet composition/strength, fleet location, fleet objective, and fleet Intel.
  • Do not purposefully make or play painful or annoying sounds period.
  • Please be courteous to others, wait until they are finished.
  • Do not post obscene material in public channels under any circumstances.
  • Any non professional, less civilized, inappropriate conversations are to be taken to private.
  • Spam of any form will not be tolerated in public channels.
  • Non combat operations such as exploration and mining, no restrictions on verbal communication other than the above.
  • Combat operations are to be limited to as short but informative information as possible and only that relevant to the operation. If you have a lot of background noise or talking with other people in another program, mute.