Solstice Industries / SOLINDUST

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Security

Omnis industria, est nomin

Solstice Industries is a small organization that believes in joint cooperation between the different types of citizens in the ‘verse. From space truckers to operators alike!

Solstice Discord


Solstice Industries began as a minor technology business founded on Terra in 2792 shortly after the last Messer Imperator was overthrown. Solstice Industries developed minor technologies for civilian use. Mostly newer hardware for at-home computers and industrial software. Over the years Solstice was able to expand enough to score minor contracts with the UEE. Helping develop small-arms for planetary militias and the likes.

This brought Solstice onto the radar of Microtech and in 2830 was bought out and became a subsidiary of the MicroTech corporation. With more funding Solstice began to rapidly increase the productivity of its factories and research divisions. Creating new and impressive weaponry and technologies for more widespread use throughout the Empire.

Solstice met with such success in its innovations that it was successfully able to buy out the company back from MicroTech for a major fortune in 2892. With only a handful of assets and resources Solstice took to the frontier. Establishing mining and research outposts. Accompanied by several manufactories on desolate moons. However, being nearly alone on the frontier didn’t come without its own dangers. Pirates and brigands would frequently raid Solstice warehouses and shipping lanes. This lead to the creation of the Solstice Security Forces in 2900.

Solstice Security Forces started off by hiring of local mercenaries and militias. However, it began to snowball with Company-wide reformations of the division. Equipping Security personnel with standardized weaponry and protection equipment; as well as establishing training academies where retired UEE veterans would train Security Trainees. Along with the major boost in the quality of personnel, Solstice began buying out surplus starships from the UEE Navy as well as other companies. Forming a formidable paramilitary force to protect its own territories.

By 2950 Solstice Industries had made a name for itself, becoming a big name in Contract Hauling, Weapons development, and leasing out its own Security Forces as Private Military Contractors. Although it’s very far from becoming a megacorporation like Hurston Dynamics, Crusader, or MicroTech. It’s well on its way.


Solstice Industries has one goal in mind, to dominate every profitable market sector. With its fingers dipped in mining, hauling, trading, manufacturing, weapons development, and security contracts. Solstice is slowly becoming an economic powerhouse of a company. The goal is simple, to make as much money as possible, as safely as possible, and to have as much fun as possible.


All employees of Solstice Industries are held to the following code of conduct, any violations of the code of conduct will result in punishment or possible termination of employment with Solstice Industries.

I. All employees will put the interests of the company before their own.
II. All employees will serve the needs of the company, and in turn, the company will serve theirs.
III. All employees will present themselves at the best of their abilities, they are representing the company, both on and off the clock.
IV. Respect your fellow coworkers, here at Solstice we are a family that works for the betterment of our company and for a better tomorrow. We have no room for petty quarrels amongst our staff.
V. SecFor Operators are there for your personal security and safety. They do not work for standard corporate supervisors or personnel. Listen to them for they are the company’s first line of defense against pirates and Vanduul alike.
VI. Employees that take on separate contracts will submit 20% of the total contract payment to the company.
VII. All employees who observe misconduct will report it to their immediate supervisors and first-line leaders.