Legion of the Phoenix / SOLREBORN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“From the ashes, we are reborn”

We are the Legion of the Phoenix. The fallen, the forgotten, those who still believe in ideals of man. Born of the stars, we protect what has long been forgotten… honor.

What we stand for cannot be destroyed.


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We are Legion of the Phoenix.

As decent human beings trying to make a living in the universe, we are here to fight the good fight. We are the pioneers and heroes from a time lost long ago.

As a rogue group of individuals, we seek to make the universe a better place for all, but not at the expense of our humanity. We will not steal what is not already stolen. We won’t help those that have wronged others. We are not here to make a profit at the expense of others. Our calling is to succeed on our own terms, and to enjoy this universe to the fullest. We won’t take missions if they seem morally “wrong”, and we will only attack those who deserve to be attacked. At the same time, we are not afraid to go beyond the law if it is for the betterment of the verse.

Our short-term goals are to freelance at the front lines of the exploration front. This gives us much versatility and allows us to be part of the frontier movement. In the future, who knows what endeavors await us, but we will be prepared for whatever the verse throws at us.


The founding members of Sol Reborn are close friends outside of the verse, and our intention is to be selective in who we bring in. We are here to make new friends and hopefully have a great time doing it.

What we are looking for in applicants:

- Eager to group up, help out, and run successful missions. We always have a good time.

- Easy going, well natured. If you wish to troll, go elsewhere.

-People who generally steer away from player-based piracy.

-Pilots of ships of all makes and models. We have roles for everyone!

-Most importantly… must be here to have fun! It seems many people have forgotten
why games exist in the first place. If you are here to have a good time, please come check us out!

Outside of this game, we have about 30+ close friends with whom we game with all the time and chat with via Ventrilo. When the multiplayer portions of the game arrive, feel free to request info and join us in chat!


The members of The Legion of the Phoenix