The S.P.A.C.E Alliance / SPACEALL

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

This is an Alliance for like-minded Organizations.
Every Org. in the Alliance will be represented here with each individual Org. leader.
On Discord every Org. will be represented by The Org. Leader and two Delegates.


In Manifesto you can read about our vision, mission and general purpose.
In Charter you can read a short version of the Treaty.
Below you will find the Treaty in it’s entirety.

Please do take into consideration that these are guidelines. We do not actively enforce them, only when the Alliance becomes aware of transgressions will we take actions, and it is for those cases we all need to be on the same page as to avoid lengthy discussions with no end. But still no going around being a d**k, attacking everyone and/or be a pirate :)

Our History:

An Alliance formed in peace, forged in blood, solidified in equality.

Here great Organizations joined forces over time as more and more outside Organizations either grew to immensely sizes and with equal power or they joined forces in a Coalition to sweep the Verse with their desire to rule or terrify.

With greater threat from these, this Alliance was formed with the sole purpose to united against the tyranny and oppression from others.
The Alliance core values is equality for all our members foremost, to ensure the individual members can traverse safely, trade, mine, explore etc. without impunity.

Aggression and force is used to protect the commonwealth of the all the member organizations from outside aggressors.

To protect our members, their valuables and our space……

This is the Sworn Protector of Allied Commonwealth and Equality main principals.

Welcome to

The S.P.A.C.E Alliance.


Want to join the S.P.A.C.E Alliance?
Requirements for joining is that you comply with this “manifesto” and most important the “Treaty”.
This is the core of our Alliance and is written down so to make sure it will be a fun experience for everyone. Not only the members, but others in the Verse as well. And application is approved by the council.

Our Vision

To do our part of making the Verse enjoyable and create the best experience for members in this Alliance.

Our Mission

To be the best and largest Alliance in the Verse. To provide security and equality for all members and united with common interests and give everyone opportunity to experience every branch and niche there is in the Verse without impunity.

Our Objectives

To create financial job opportunities for all members and supplies in their respective branch. To watch out and help each other, give escort and protection on missions for our cargo haulers, miners, explorers or others in the Verse.
To unite under one Alliance for strength in numbers.
Not to be aggressive, but friendly and forthcoming. We will of corse fight for resources, rights to land and space, and our acknowledgment in the Verse, under the rules set in the Treaty.

Our Goals

Forme a fleet to protect our interests and safeguard our future.
To have and maintain a sector of land/space and or space-station where members and others can come to trade, repair, refuel and so on, and find security while doing so.

Our Structure

Each Organizations will have 3 members in the council. 1. Leader and 2 Delegates.
There is no benefits to being a large or small organization in terms of power or leverage, no one shall dictate over others.


There is no taxation of Organizations nor mandatory collections of resources to the Alliance.
Anything in this manor will be and agreed upon effort, and a gathered for a joint purpose.


This is a shortened version of the treaty.

To sum it up, this Alliance aims for being just but fair Alliance. We are not pirates or bullies, but do fight back and do preemptively attack others in contest for resources, space/land and so on. But we don’t steel from other fair space travelers, and those not so fair, well that might be another matter, but if so, we do it in such manner that we can travel back into UEE territory with ease
We all know outside the UEE it’s a wilderness and precautions have to be made, and we will do that.
We do not put limitations on members, but give them guidelines so we don’t piss of everyone in the Verse, and try to make the Verse enjoyable for our members, and if possible for others as well.

we only aim to make the Verse the best experience for our members, and that is our obligations as leaders in each our Organizations.
No one is aiming to put shackles on anyone, but at the same time we have to have lines so there is room for diversity without chaos.


1 Relations and obligations.

§ 1.1 The Alliances will meet on a monthly basis.
§ 1.2 Changes to the alliance treaty can only be made in total agreement
§ 1.3 The Official heads will consist of 1 member an attache of 2 members of each org.
§ 1.4 No other Alliance can without acceptance.
§ 1.4.1 making non-aggression pacts and friendship pacts is allowed.
§ 1.4.2 This treaty will always supersede any other 3’th party agreements in the event of conflict.
§1.5 Official enemies of the Alliance can only be made in an total agreement.
§1.5.1 If a party within this Alliance is being targeted, the Alliance will make the aggressor an official enemy.
§ 1.6 Any actions having a negative effect on parties in this Alliance shall be dealt with accordingly.

2 Punitive measures.

§ 2.1 Every member of each organization are obligated to comply with the laws, and it is the responsibility of each Organization that members do so.

3 Behavior.

Note:This is about violations between members across Organizations.
Not what happens in each Org. internally
§ 3.1 No Sexism, Racism, discrimination and bigotry is tolerated.
§ 3.2 Please don’t engage in discussions about religion, politics and other ethical beliefs outside Star Citizen lore
§ 3.3 Bad or immature behavior, flaming, trolling, annoying etc. will not be tolerated
§ 3.4 All Members agree to act with dignity, honor and in respect of others as much as possible.
§ 3.5 If due to roleplay a person act’s and speak in a certain way, he or she should express this to others so there is no misunderstanding.
i.e. “I am a mercenary” a “scoundrel” or “hustler”
§ 3.6 If roleplaying a Star Citizen character/lore exceptions are given and accepted. I.e.A Bounty hunter would not necessarily be polite or respectful ingame.

4 Rules of engagement.

§ 4.1 DO NOT attack others without due cause.
§ 4.1.1 Bounty hunting or if helping org or Alliance members you can attack without being attacked first.
§ 4.1.3 “Finder, keepers”, means without violating the UEE laws, you are allowed to preemptively “fight/fend off” any contesters
§ 4.1.5 If attacked unprovoked you are in the right to use any and all means to defend yourself
§ 4.2 DO NOT ram your ship into others as griefing/trolling/annoying others
§ 4.3 It’s not accepted to attack a member in this Alliance
§ 4.3.1 If you are being attacked by a member of the Alliance you can defend at all cost.
§ 4.4 Is not an Attack and therefor allowed if legal to do bounty.
§ 4.4.3 No bounty hunting on members in the Alliance
§ 4.5 No harassment/griefing

5 Military obligations and external aggression.

§ 5.1 Allied member in trouble should be helped if possible without overwhelming risk to oneself.
§ 5.2.2 If a member in the Alliance is being chased by the UEE police or bounty hunters for crimes they have no right to ask for assistance
§ 5.3 If harassment to a specific member in the Alliance emerges, the entire alliance will deal with it
§ 5.4 Attack, retaliation, declarations of war may not be initiated by individuals but made in the Alliance council.
§ 5.6 If the Alliance declares anyone an enemy, all members may attack them at their own discretion
§ 5.7 War or raid on non classified “enemies” can be done if the council agrees on it.

6 Information/infiltration.

§ 6.1 All information outside the Alliance that could pose a threat shall always be shared.
§ 6.2 All information inside the Alliance should always be confidential
§ 6.3 Reconnaissance, Espionage, surveillance within the Alliance is not accepted only on outsiders.
§ 6.3.2 Counterintelligence is only to be done within the Star Citizen lore not forum spying or the likes.

7 Irregular activities.

§ 7.1 The Alliance reject piracy and members are free to bounty or neutralize any pirate encounters.
§ 7.1.1 Spoils of war and unclaimed wreckage are accepted.
§ 7.2 Smuggling of illegal goods is allowed
§ 7.3 Outside the UEE territory attacks/raids on declared enemies is Privateering and okay.

8 Misunderstandings/accidents.

§ 8.1 Allegations between members should be managed by each organization not between members themselves.

9 Causal nexus.

§ 9.1 Members of parties in the Alliance should in general be mindful of their actions.

10 Interference.

§ 10.1 Allied parties agree to try limit interfering with each others operations as far as possible.