Spacers=United / SPACERSU

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Exploration

Welcome to Spacers United Est. 2939 – The people united, under solidarity and freedom

Let Truth Be Your Authority, Not Authority Your Truth

(Organization Thread)


Established on January 21, 2014, Spacers United started out as Cedr_’s idea for a way to help others in Star Citizen without needing to have a dedicated commitment to a larger more vast guild. We don’t restrict our members in any way by telling them they have to fit a certain profile or have them play the game a certain way. We have no fee or hierarchical archetypes that members are subjugated to. This clan is for anyone who is looking for like-minded individuals to call when they need assistance, be it if they need an escort, a job, information on a mark, immediate help defending against attackers, or illegal goods smuggled through or into high sec territories. The one thing we ask of our members is that they provide the same benefits other members offer to them. Solidarity at its finest.

Spacers United in Star Citizen

At our heart, we are a militant group with its roots based in the Magnus system on Borea in the city of Odyssa. Life is hard on Borea and for many years the people who lived there had to suffer through the wanton abuse of pirates, thieves, police, and corporations. So in turn, many looked to a leader to fight against those who sought to destroy the lives they worked so hard to build on Borea. One man, going by the callsign Kedr, stepped up to lead the many downtrodden left to die by the UEE. In the year 2939 he formed his group, Spacers United, a band of ragtag fighters willing to defend their homes and families against the evils that surrounded them. They managed to salvage enough spare parts from the old ship factories to repair broken auroras and cutlasses and sell whatever was left for UEC or for trade to acquire weapons. They taught locals how to organize and stand up for themselves and within time after many protests and riots, the people were able to win many victories in the commercial sector, winning better working environments and higher pay. With enough firepower they were able to take back Odyssa from the thugs and underlords who plagued the city and even install a couple locals as legitimate policemen and representatives to help bring the city to its former glory. They also took to the sky in hopes to rid the surrounding area of pirates wrecking havoc for those that wanted to bring trade to the system with modest success. Today they work to make Borea an even better, more peaceful place to live as well as stimulating the economy with new business. Regular squads of three can be seen patrolling the streets of Odyssa and the space of the Magnus system to ward off any unlawful persons that haven’t been allowed by the faction to do business there. Some members run shops selling weaponry or parts in exchange for raw materials. The majority of members live as drifters, exploring distant galaxies for promises of new discoveries and fame, or just a job. As far as Centauri to Kiel they have been unidentified to roam. It is unusual to meet more then one or two at a time, but they have been seen in groups as large as ten. Known for their guile and skill, they are always in high demand for any freelance or high risk jobs in need of a veteran pilot on both sides of the law.


  • The intent of Spacers United is to create a community of Citizens and Civilians alike that can safely and prosperously traverse the stars through mutual cooperation.
  • Our aim is to have our faction members unified so that when another member needs help there will be someone to call who will help her, not because they are going to get UEC out of it, but because they know that when they are in trouble there will be people they can rely on to bail them out.
  • You can and should offer to share your profit if someone came to help you and enabled you to complete your mission, but it isn’t required of you.
  • We won’t be trying to stake claims on territory, as far as we are concerned the whole verse is our territory to roam freely.
  • Any assets acquired by the group as a whole can be used by anyone within the group.
  • Group oriented activities will not be required, but If you want to set something up you are free to do so. Once we have our own forum anyone will be able to set up their own event.
  • We will also be setting up a treasury of shared credits for access to all members given we have the option to. Access to the account will be given to Odyssa Originals and Spacer Managers, only they will decide whether the credits should be given out or not. The max amount allowed to be given out at a given time is to be decided when the game is closer to release.
  • Members are autonomous to the faction as no one will be giving orders.
  • Lastly, all members have an equal say in how the faction is run and what action should be taken in the case of an issue that effects everyone within the faction. Though everyone has equal say, this is not a democracy. We all will have to agree on the case at hand for any action to be taken.

Regarding Membership

Once the guild hits my set full capacity, (60 persons) I (Kedr) will be culling inactive players. This will only happen after the first month of release though as I don’t count the time before the game has been released and the learning period after the initial release. Active participation in the forum is not necessary. If you are culled and want back in you will be allowed to make a request to do so if we are not at full capacity. We won’t accept any applicants once full capacity is reached. Though, I doubt it will become an issue.

Regarding role-playing:

This won’t be exclusively a role-playing guild, though it will be open to it.

Regarding ranks:

Your rank within the organization only implies the role in which you choose to contribute to the group. You can apply to a different role at any time as many times as you want. Obviously you can still contribute through ways that your rank doesn’t imply, but it is best that you apply to the rank group that you will be playing as the most. Ranks are organized in a way so that roles with similar goals are grouped together to make it easier for members to organize parties if they wish to do so. Below is a list of the ranks and what roles they consist of:

  • Spacers: The Freelancer rank. Members who choose this rank should have skill in several professions and be equipped and combat ready at all times. They should allow themselves to be readily available for any jobs another member might have for them.
  • Pathfinders: The Explorer and Scout rank. Those who wish to search for lost, forgotten, and undiscovered lands, tech, people, or routes should apply.
  • Prophits: The Mercenary and Trader rank. Members who choose this role will help each other gain UEC and financial assets by traders in the group creating jobs for the mercenaries and in turn mercenaries providing a safe journey between ports for the traders. This rank will be strictly for those who wish to stay scrupulous.
  • Jacklegs: The Privateer and Smuggler rank. Smugglers will carry illegal cargo through high-risk routes while the Privateers create diversions for the Smugglers so they can travel through unnoticed in the panic. Additionally, Privateers within the ranks could provide the cargo for the Smugglers. Jacklegs and Adroits also work as blockade runners.
  • Adroits: The Bounty Hunter and Info Agent rank: If you find hunting down people or trafficking information and gathering intrigue is your most favored interests, this is your rank. Members will work together to use the information gathered to track down individuals with marks on their back. Adroits and Jacklegs also work as blockade runners.
  • Rifters: The Mining, Engineering, Scavenger, and Gunner rank. More of a auxiliary role, but one that can provide much needed resources for all the other ranks.
Understand that these are only roles suggested for members who want to act in groups. In example, you are not required to work with a Trader if you are a Mercenary and can take contracts free of anyone affiliated with the faction. Loners can fill any of these positions so long as they follow the charter.

Other Information:

This clan will only have sixty members to keep organization easy to manage. I don’t want a large clan in the hopes that it will allow us to keep in contact better as well as not make our members feel that they are just another number. I want everyone who joins to know they are part of a guild that will actually make a difference in their game-play.

Time Zone Cedr_ Is Based In
Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00)


These are the rules which each member will live by as long as they wish to remain with the faction


We don’t kill our own. That would undermine the whole reason the clan was made. Doing so will result in immediate expulsion.


Wanton murder is not allowed. The only time killing is allowed is in self defense and at times of conflict or war.


Don’t be a dick. If you don’t understand this rule then this isn’t the organization for you.

What We Look For In Applicants:
  • We only want trustworthy people, if you like to backstab, create division between members of the faction, or purposely lie to members in attempt to manipulate then you are not wanted here.
  • Skill, skill at piloting is key.
  • Potential. Even if you don’t have any skill you can still be a great pilot through training and we can help you with that.
  • Maturity.
  • Good standing. We don’t need people with a reputation of breaking pacts and committing general assholery bringing us down. We are trying to cultivate a guild known for being skilled and of a mature nature.