Spartan Engineering Corps / SPEC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Engineering
  • Freelancing

Where Warriors are Forged


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  • Country of origin:
    • US
  • Timezone:
    • EST
  • Communication:


Rules and Regulations:

** There are no limitations on who can apply, but an interview may be required before joining.
** Public displays, whether in game or otherwise, of your affiliation with the Spartan Engineering Corps would be much appreciated. Such displays draw traffic and positive attention to us, but are not a required.
** If you are having an issue with a player, you have the right to rationally and maturely defend yourself, the Spartan Engineering Corps, other SPEC members, and our allies from any disrespectful, or otherwise negative remarks wherever and whenever appropriate. It is important to note, however that members are still expected to act in a manner that will reflect positively not only upon themselves, but, by association, the Spartan Engineering Corps.
** Members should avoid public internal arguments as it reflects poorly upon not only you, but also upon SPEC.
** Absolutely no racism, sexism, or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated. This is an extreme offense, and punishment with be whatever the duly designated ranking officer sees fit. This includes dismissal.