Ashtar Galactic Command / SPEEDOGHOS

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The Ashtar Command are humans from other Worlds of God’s Creation. The Ashtar Command are Higher Consciousness Beings of Light that exist on the higher dimensions of spiritual life.

The Ashtar Command are perfected humans made in the image of Original Mother – Father Creator Source through the original Adam Kadmon Blueprint.

The Ashtar Command are perfected humans that vibrate to the Christ Vibration and are part of the Collective Christ which consists of Lord Sananda,

The Ashtar Command, now known as the Ashtar Solar Star Command, the Ascended Masters of Light, the Angels of Light, all Councils of Light and Christed souls within humanity, serving Original Mother -Father Creator Source and the Divine Plan and whose purpose is to Free Humanity From the MATRIX and Return the Earth to the Christ Vibration.


We of the true Ashtar Command came here many eons ago in a guardianship capacity to hold the Christ Vibration for the Earth and Humanity so that the Earth and Humanity would not fall into total darkness under the Planetary Control System called the MATRIX. We have supported the Earth through the support of our Ashtar Command Members in human embodiment as “Lightholders” for the Earth until the time was right for us to step into the next phase of our mission. The next phase of our mission, which is to “manage” the Freedom From the MATRIX Program, was triggered by the 2012 transition to the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality Time Line which is known to us as the “End of the Time of Allowance.”

Original Mother-Father God decreed; “It is time for Duality to End and for all Rebellious Souls to be held accountable for their rebellion and participation in Duality and the Dark Force Control System known as the MATRIX.” The MATRIX has been shut down on all levels of Reality and Lucifer’s Dark Force Hierarchy has been recycled.

We of the true Ashtar Command are here under the authority of the Great Central Sun Council, the Collective Christ and Original Mother-Father Creator Source to manage the shutdown of the Earth’s Planetary MATRIX System and to free all humanity from the MATRIX.

For those of you who are meant to be the true Lightholders for the Earth, you will be guided to contact Commander Quatermass and start your Freedom From the MATRIX Program. The Star Team Programs contain the energies needed to remove your MATRIX Programming and reveal to you who you are and your part in the Divine Plan here on Earth. By joining the Monthly Freedom From the MATRIX Star Team Program, you will receive ongoing support from us “according to need, according to speed and according to your true soul identity. We will remove your unChristed MATRIX Programming in the way that is most beneficial for you and give you Christed Replacement Energies so that you can begin to live the life you were meant to live.

End Transmission


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.