Shadow Republic / SRSC

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to the Madhouse!
Straight Jackets Required!


The Origin of Shadow Republic

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…

Ok, enough of that. The Shadow Republic got its start quite a while ago. It’s a guild that got it’s start in Star Wars Galaxies way back in 2003. We have a small core of dedicated gamers who play a variety of games with a larger base around 40+ members that periodically pop in from time to time. Though most of us were devoted Star Wars gamers, we are hoping to draw a number of our guild back into gaming regularly as Star Citizen grows, but we are always welcoming to new members.

In fiction history

We’re not entirely sure how we all came to be brothers and sisters in arms. Perhaps we just gathered those with insane dark humor to our ranks from drunken escapades at a number of seedy bars our merry band frequents. While we’re not in the business of opposing the Empire or the law in principle, we’ll do what we want and work by our own code of ethics. We may also be known to blow shit up from time to time without any good reason.

Now time for a message from our sponsor while we sober up and figure out our history.

This message is brought to you by the History Channel, this week on Ancient Aliens on “Who Built Manhattan: Humans or Visitors from Another Planet?” Tune in and find out the mysteries of the chaos that was impossible to build on Earth at that time and how the Banu have actually been our secret overlords!



Welcome to SRSC!

We specialize in “High Risk Cargo Protection and Delivery”.

If you need High Value Cargo delivered to a High Risk Port of Call or Just Protection while you delivery the Cargo yourself we’re the Organization for you.

Please contact us for more details.

Current Fleet

Capital Ships
  1. Starfarer (Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern)
  2. RSI Polaris (Roberts Space Industries)
  3. Aegis Hammerhead (Aegis)
Multi-crew Ships
  1. Constellation Andromeda (Roberts Space Industries)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Sabre Comet (Aegis Dynamics)
  2. Buccaneer (Drake Interplapnetary)
  3. F7C Hornet (Anvil Aerospace)
  4. Gladiator (Anvil Aerospace)
  5. P-52 Merlin (Kruger Intergalactic)
  6. Vanduul Scythe (Vanduul)
  7. 85X (Origin Jumpworks GmbH)
Ground Vehicles
  1. Dragonfly Black (Drake InterplanCetary)
  2. Dragonfly Yellowjacket (Drake Interplanetary)

  • Ships owned by Imesk (Underboss)
Multi-Crew Ships
  1. Cutlass Black (Drake Interplanetary)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Avenger Stalker (Aegis Dynamics)
  2. Buccaneer (Drake Interplapnetary)

Multi-Crew Ships
  1. Constellation Andromeda (Roberts Space Industries)
  2. Cutlass Black (Drake Interplanetary)
  3. Freelancer MIS (Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. F7C-M Super Hornet (Anvil Aerospace)
  2. 325A (Origin Jumpworks GmbH)
  3. P-52 Merlin (Kruger Intergalactic)
Ground Vehicles
  1. Cyclone TR (Tumbril)
  2. Dragonfly Black InterplanCetary)

  • Ships owned by kadyan (Captain)
Multi-Crew Ships
  1. Freelancer MAX (Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Avenger Titian (Aegis Dynamics)
Ground Vehicles
  1. Ursa Rover (Robert Space Industries)
  2. Nox (Aopoa)

  • Ships owned by Pieroe (Captain)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Avenger Titian (Aegis Dynamics)
  2. Gladius (Aegis Dynamics)

  • Ships owned by Dakker (Captain)
Multi-Crew Ships
  1. Cutlass Black (Drake Interplanetary)
  2. Redeemer (Aegis Dynamics)
  3. Retaliator Bomber (Aegis Dynamics)
  4. Vanguard Warden (Aegis Dynamics)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Sabre (Aegis Dynamics)
  2. F7C-S Hornet Ghost (Anvil Aerospace)
  3. Khartu-Al (Xi’An Aopoa Corporation)
Ground Vehicles
  1. Dragonfly Black (Drake InterplanCetary)
  2. Dragonfly Yellowjacket (Drake Interplanetary)

Multi-Crew Ships
  1. Cutlass Black (Drake Interplanetary)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Aurora LN (Roberts Space Industries)

Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Mustang Alpha (Consolidated Outland)

Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Mustang Alpha (Consolidated Outland)


Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Avenger Stalker (Aegis Dynamics)

  • Ships owned by Vyren (Enforcer)

Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Aurora MR (Roberts Space Industries)

Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Mustang Alpha (Consolidated Outland)

  • Ships owned by Strider (Associate)
Personal Ships & Fighters
  1. Aurora LN (Roberts Space Industries)

Member Videos


General Rule and Expectations

  1. Have fun. That’s what we’re here for. Cut loose and put on your straight jacket. Just mind that you don’t step on too many toes.
  1. Don’t be a dick. Nah, screw that. Don’t be so serious. We’re all dicks here. Just don’t grief (in org) and/or start drama. Refer to rule one, if you’re behavior is pissing everyone off to the point where they aren’t having fun, reel it in before you anger papa bear (aka Sir Ghost). Also fair warning, dark humor is encouraged. Comes with the straight jackets. If this behavior bothers you please fill out this DA Form IMT WF1 and submit it to your nearest shredder.
  1. We’d like you to wear the Shadow Republic tags and represent the guild, get involved on TeamSpeak (or spectrum when it goes live). Our core group is close knit and treat each other as brothers. Even if you can’t play we always appreciate it if you just pop in and say “hi”. You can be apart of other guilds but be aware that our organization will be skirting the edge of legality. If you’re looking to play Lawful Good with us, Ha! Good luck! We aren’t set against the law but more than likely we’ll run into situations where the law is just hasslesome and in the way. Just keep that in mind if you’re trying to run with the goody two shoes on the side.
  1. Look… ok. This will probably end up happening. But let’s at least try to do it on purpose. Try not to start shit with other Orgs and Guilds without coordinating it through the Big Boss and the Guild. If you do, give us a heads up before we’re face to face with thousands of ships trying to blindside us and blast us to stardust. We’ll have our fun, but let’s try to keep it on odds in a favor that we can handle. That being said, if someone else starts a fight, give ‘em hell and call for backup!
  1. Keep Shadow Republic business our own business. You’re free to run with other Orgs but if you betray our intentions to another organization… You know, I don’t know how we’d punish you. And I think we’d all rather not find out. Just don’t do it, M’kay?
  1. We don’t like rules. These aren’t set in stone. Don’t make us break out the granite and chisel. And if you’ve got any questions as to what you can or can’t do, just ask away. We’re small enough that we can keep it all personal and real.