STAR Alliance / STAR

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Trading
  • Social

STAR Alliance

STAR has multiple branches: Military, Logistics, Industry, Diplomacy, Financial, and more! STAR has one of the largest capital fleets in the game 13 Javelins and 40+ Idris in addition to great camaraderie!




STAR Manifest

STAR has brought it upon itself to create a universal one stop economic central that allows it to offer every service needed within Star Citizen.

STAR services are not limited to Star Citizen persistent universe. With STAR all your Star Citizen needs can be found within one community.

STAR is the unifying alliance and the official representative of all STAR-branches and their member Organizations (ORG).
STAR accepts and distributes tasks, outlining the rights and obligations of each task, and UEE credits to the Joint Forces Headquarters (JFHQ) element of the individual STAR-branches best suited for the assignment. JFHQ leadership will decide how to best execute the task and meet the issuers intent.

STAR-branches are subordinate command‘s to STAR.

The close collaboration between all STAR-branches under the legislative power of the STAR Council necessitates that the Leadership within the STAR Council consists of both Founders of STAR, representatives from all of the STAR-branches and STAR ORG Leaders. STAR branch representatives to the STAR Council will be selected by the respective JFHQ of their STAR-branch and each representative will be assigned an substitute that can take their place temporarily should the need arise.

The tasks of STAR-branches are assigned by the STAR Council and will often be for the corresponding specialization of their branch but may require joint collaboration with other STAR-Branches. How tasks are best accomplished will be left to the respective JFHQ leadership, they however will be ultimately responsible for the performance of their branch. Assistance from other STAR-branches is guaranteed when a branch needs help to complete an official task. After the completion of a task from STAR the involved STAR-branches, organizations and members will be paid percentage measured by their individual contributions to the missions success.

If a STAR-branch doesn’t have an officially assigned task, the included JFHQ of that branch may choose to assign a task that benefits their branch, in absence of such tasks organizations can concentrate completely on their own tasks and goals. Every STAR-branch and every organization within those branches will still maintain their own individualism and still be seen from STAR as independent fully functioning organizations with their own community, goals and tasks. However, these goals and tasks must not conflict with STAR constitution or put official alliances and agreements in jeopardy.

The election of each STAR-branch JFHQ Leader is based on majority decision by leaders within that Branch of at least 60% or more. An Organization can have one or more Representatives within their respective STAR-branch JFHQ staff based on their size and contributions, these members will be elected from within their Organization and will be active members of the JFHQ Staff. There will be a minimum of 3 representatives from each STAR-branch on the STAR Council, the number of Representatives can increase by STAR founding member council decision, depending on the STAR-branch‘s size and performance in achieving official STAR tasks. With all other respects the Representatives from STAR-branches to the STAR Council will have equal voting rights alongside the founding members.

All STAR-branch Representatives to the STAR Council are temporary and will be voted in again their set election period. For both STAR Council and all STAR-branches the STAR CONSTITUTION must be adhered to without exceptions. The STAR CONSTITUTION will always be the supreme legal authority within STAR. Star constitutional limitations can be expanded within STAR branches but not weakened. At any time these expansions many not conflict with the STAR CONSTITUTION.



  • §1 – Each member of STAR will be treated with respect!
  • §2 – Direct and indirect actions against STAR (fraud, spying or military) will be punished and added to the “Blacklist”.
  • §3 – Defensive actions are always allowed for all STAR members at any time against any hostile actor.
  • §4 – When playing for more than 15 minutes members are to be logged into the STAR TeamSpeak or other officially designated VOIP server.
  • §5 – All agreements must be complied with! (STAR stands to its word!) (non-compliance triggers §6 sets into effect)
  • §6 – When agreements are not followed and damage is caused or outstanding services are not rendered a refund or fair compensation must be issued within 7 days. (If not done §2 sets into effect)
  • §7 – If an organization wants to leave STAR with good standing, they must give 2 weeks advance notice and if they have officers in leadership positions within STAR they must train the replacement to provide an smooth transition. Organizations must not cause damage to STAR upon their Exit. Multiple organizations of the same branch should not leave the STAR at the same time, an orderly staggered approach should be taken to enable smooth transitions. (If that doesn’t happen §2 sets into effect)
  • §8 – All outstanding loans, assets and services to STAR organizations must refunded at the same amount back to STAR. (§5 sets into effect)
  • §9 – Allies and friends of STAR may not be attacked at any time. (But if get attacked §3 sets into effect)
  • §10 – All STAR-Organizations are under the collective protection of Star and within a mutual defensive pact. Those who attack STAR will face full military and economic strength of STAR.