StarMasters / STARMASTER

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy


A Message from StarMasterX

My name is Xxxx Xxxxxxx formally known as Xxx Xxxx. I hail from planet Xxxxx in the Xxx star system. Iv’e journeyed across the Xxxxxxxx Galaxy in pursuit of one goal, to reveal the truth.

Like so many my past life was a lie, fabricated to keep me from rising to power.

Who i am is thought to be dead a long time ago, along with anyone i loved, a story that is all too common in the Verse. They have stolen from me and you…and i intend to return the favor.

Having a title meant that those who know the truth could see me coming for them from a distance.

In efforts to avenge my ancestors, i had every record of my fake existence erased and chose to fight in complete anonymity to take back what is rightfully ours.

Many have dared to stand in the way of unleashing my wrath only to meet their demise. With nothing left to lose I am prepared to do the whatever it takes to helm the stars and return the power to the people of the Verse. But admittedly I cannot do it alone.

Join the cause. Give em’ Hell. Reap the spoils. Master the stars.




Rebel fighters. Pirates. If you are caught by the authorities we will ehem “take care of it”.

The Mission

Steal from the rich. Master the stars.


Board of Directors

  • StarMasterX

Head of Recruitment
  • Capt Rick

Head of Competition
  • Pending Recruit

Head of Training
  • Pending Recruit

Other Members of the Board

Division Leaders

Logistics Leader
[Cargo Running/ Entrepreneur/ Journalist]
  • Pending Recruit

Industrial Leader
[Mining/ Salvage/ Construction]
  • Pending Recruit

Support Leader
[Refuel/ Rearm/ Repair/ Medical/ Search and Recovery/]
  • Pending Recruit

Exploration Leader
[Data Running/ Path Finding/ Diplomacy/ Science]
  • Pending Recruit

Military Leaders
[Security/Bounty Hunting]
  • Pending Recruit


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