• PMC
  • Regular
  • Infiltration
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We Operate in the Shadows of Darkness, to ensure the Empire may bask in the Light of Peace.


We are Operators!!! Whether Ace Pilots, PVP’ers, Explorers, Traders, or RP’ers. We are a collective of Gamers looking to write our own History while enjoying the most groundbreaking, ambitious game of our lifetimes. We will strive to be a family who is always there for one and other regardless of our roles and gaming styles. Help is always a distress call away, and our enemies will know “if you disturb the Hive you are going to get Stung”!!!


Aegis Dynamics: Hammerhead
Aegis Dynamics: Retaliator (Heavy Bomber & Drop Ship)
Aegis Dynamics: Vanguard Sentinel (Warden & Harbinger BUKs)
Aegis Dynamics: Redeemer
Aegis Dynamics: Sabre
Aegis Dynamics: Sabre Comet
Aegis Dynamics: Sabre Raven
Aegis Dynamics: Eclipse
Aegis Dynamics: Gladius
Aegis Dynamics: Avenger
Aegis Dynamics/MISC: G2G Gemini

Anvil Aerospace: Carrack
Anvil Aerospace: F7C-M Super Hornet
Anvil Aerospace: F7C-S Ghost
Anvil Aerospace: Hawk

Banu: Merchantman
Banu: Defender

Consolidated Outland: Mustang Omega
Consolidated Outland: Mustang Delta
Consolidated Outland: Mustang Beta

Crusader Industries: Mercury

Drake: Cutlass: Blue
Drake: Cutlass: Red
Drake: Herald
Drake: Buccaneer

Esperia: Prowler
Esperia: Glaive

MISC: Freelancer MIS
MISC: Reliant
MISC: Razor

Origin: 350R
Origin: M50
Origin: 325A
Origin: 600i touring

RSI: Constellation Aquila
RSI: Aurora LX
RSI: Aurora LN

Vanduul: Scythe

*list does not note multiples of each ship type as members add to their hangars.



  • You have the freedom to do whatever you wish in the Verse, it’s your account and your money, however we are a Proud and Honorable Squadron of the “United Earth Empire Naval Reserves”. And to be able to receive continued support from the UEENR and it’s affiliates we have a NO PIRACY POLICY against any UEE Citizen.
  • We will have structured Units that will have scheduled Operations in various elements of the game, that are optional if you wish to participate and not required. If you do decide to commit to one of said Units be aware that your Unit will be depending on you to be punctual, professional, and able to perform your role. Some units might require a higher dedication level and others will be very casual.

*There will be a very light chain of command, that will mostly function as organizers and leadership roles of particular Units in there specialty, and The Squadron 13 Wing Commander as the liaison to the UEENR.

  • We will offer services to our members just as we receive support from the UEENR and it’s affiliates, at cost with no profit, unless said service is time or material intensive, then each member should be compensated properly and gratuities are optional but professional.



  • All are welcome to join.
  • We will not discriminate or tolerate discrimination towards any of members of any form, whether it be race, country of origin, religion, sexual preference, age, politics etc…
  • No one will be required to submit any form of monetary amount towards the Organization, whether real money or in game credits to be a member.
  • Any events or services that might come about that require a monetary (UEC) support, will be strictly outlined and voluntary if a member wishes to participate.
  • Always attempt to assist a member in need when able and have the “No Man or Woman left behind” mentality.
  • Lets have fun, but lets try to be mature and respectful to one another and not Troll or be “That Guy”