Stratus Holdings / STRATUS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Resources

Whatever your interests, whatever your passions, Stratus will have what you need.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


What is Stratus?

  • Stratus is much more than just an organization. We are a conglomeration of many different organizations, groups, individuals, and ideas. We strive to improve our members’ experience and facilitate large-scale cooperation between many different areas of play.
  • Each division of Stratus is a self-sustained, self-managed organization. It is done this way to encourage all divisions to focus on their own endeavors and improve their skills without strict oversight.
  • The biggest advantage, however, is the ability to perform Stratus-wide operations in a manner that benefits everyone both financially and in their gameplay experience.

Divisions of Stratus

  • Stratus offers its members a variety of options when it comes to gameplay and potential profit. Our current divisions are listed below, but we’re always expanding. Feel free to contact us if you feel we are missing a division you might be interested in joining.
Stratus Commercial
  • Are you a hauler at heart, buying low and selling high? Or do you prefer to sell goods directly out of your Banu Merchantman? No matter what you use to move your goods, we have a place for you here, and we’ll help you build your way up the trading ladder and become a tycoon in your own right.
Stratus Industrial
  • You don’t mind getting down and dirty if it means getting the job down. Maybe you’re in the asteroid fields above Yela mining for your share of quantinium, or maybe you’re selling your latest haul of salvaged materials in Loreville. No matter what Industry you’re in, you can bet we’ve got a job that needs to get done, and your name is on it.
Stratus Security
  • You’re the type of person who makes sure the bad guys don’t win. Maybe you’re a bounty hunter who sees to it that criminals face justice. Maybe you’re an accomplished veteran looking for some honest work after your stint in the UEE? We make sure that operations go smoothly, and when they don’t, we’re ready to take care of the problem to keep our friends safe.
Stratus Discovery
  • You live for the unknown, the possibilities, the discovery. And you don’t mind getting paid to do what you love either. From scientists to explorers, we take on anyone with a bit of wonder inside them for what could be out there.


Members should review these rules from time to time to make sure they still align with the aim and ethics of Stratus.
This charter is a general overview of Stratus’ rules and regulations. If, in the future, we feel we need to expand on or clarify a rule or even add in something we were lacking previously, we reserve the right to do so at our discretion.
This Charter applies equally to all members, regardless of rank or job.

S.C § 1: General Guidelines

  • 1.1.1: Members will be required to use Discord and join the Stratus Discord Channel. The link is available on our manifesto page. Contact and Rank 4 or above members regarding any issues with the link.
  • 1.1.2: Members are expected to act in a mature and professional manner when dealing with other Stratus members and players not affiliated with Stratus. No harassment or otherwise offensive behavior will be tolerated, and final interpretation is left to the discretion of the CHRO.
  • 1.1.3: English is the primary language of Stratus. We will accommodate any who wish to join and speak another language with their friends, but members will be expected to speak English in order to facilitate communications in large-scale operations.

S.C § 2: Membership Requirements

2.1: Becoming a Member
  • 2.1.1: All law abiding players are eligible to become members of Stratus.
  • 2.1.2: Applicants may either be referred to Stratus and receive an invitation or apply themselves via the application link on the Stratus Organization page.
  • 2.1.3: All applicants, once accepted, will be set to Rank 0, and given a job title of “New Member” upon joining the Discord Channel. They will then be given a quick introduction to Stratus and its structure, and asked to pick the division they wish to join. Training will be provided for their chosen division, and a new job title will be assigned to the player.
  • 2.1.4: Players are not limited to a single division, but will be asked to focus on only one division/skill set initially.
2.2: Expectations
  • 2.2.1: Members will respect the chain of command while performing organizational functions and operations.
  • 2.2.2: Members will respect each other in game and outside of game.
2.3 Outside Organizations
  • 2.3.1: Membership with another organization is acceptable as long as the other Organization does not veer too far from the ethics of Stratus. That is left to the final discretion of the CHRO.
  • 2.3.2: If you are a member of another organization with a hidden or redacted status, any member of Rank 4 or above reserves the right to request you reveal the identity of that organization to them, or lose your affiliation with Stratus.
  • 2.3.3: You may not set your membership with Stratus as Redacted or Hidden unless approved by your Director or the Executive Board.

S.C § 3: Ranks, Jobs, and Skills

3.1: Ranks
  • 3.1.1: Stratus has 6 official ranks from Pilot – Executive.
  • 3.1.2: The Executive Board consists of a maximum of 7 members who operate as a unifying body for the various divisions of Stratus, and help to maintain a single vision and direction between all of the divisions.
  • 3.1.3: Each division within Stratus is headed by a Director. The Director is responsible for all activities within the division, and reports directly to the Executive Board with financial and operational data.
  • 3.1.4: Ranks 0 – 3 are progression-based ranks. A member will advance through these ranks by reaching milestones set forth by the Director of the division they choose to operate under. These milestones may include both time served in Stratus and gameplay goals for each player appropriate to the corresponding division.
3.2: Jobs
  • 3.2.1: Jobs are denoted on Discord via tags. A player may have no more than 3 active jobs at a given time.
  • 3.2.2: Certain jobs are locked behind Ranks, as determined by a Director. Once a player reaches that rank, they may be officially assigned the job or given training in order to add the necessary skills to their list.
  • 3.2.3: Jobs determine responsibility for a player in the overall operation of Stratus. Some jobs are managerial in nature, others are operational, and yet others are supportive. All are important, and it is likely that members will be asked to wear different hats in different circumstances. You will not be required to accept a job title you do not want, however. We want everyone to have fun.
  • 3.2.4: If you have a job title that you think would best suit you, discuss it with your Director, and they will try and work with you to determine how to best fit your interests.
  • 3.2.5: Examples of job titles include: Escort Pilot, Cargo Runner, Assistant Director, Engineer, etc.
3.3: Skills
  • 3.3.1: Skills are unique tags for members that denote their individual abilities. These are different than job titles, and offer more granularity for identifying players by their strengths. These remain even after a Job change.
  • 3.3.2: Examples of skills include: Electronic Warfare Specialist, Capital Ship Systems Management, Convoy Logistics Coordinator, FPS Combatant.

S.C § 4: Rules and Regulations

4.1: Piracy
  • 4.1.1: Piracy is not permitted by any of our members for any reason. Any members caught acting as pirates will have all ties with Stratus severed, and any pay or resources forfeited.
  • 4.1.2: Any members caught fraternizing with a known pirate or pirate organization will be subject to questioning by a Rank 4 or above member to determine motive and affiliation.
4.2: Criminal Activity
  • 4.2.1: Criminal activity will be defined as those acts that render upon a player a Crime Stat.
  • 4.2.2: Criminal activity is actively discouraged in Stratus. Upon request, a member of Rank 4 or above may view the criminal record of a member to determine the severity of the crime committed.
  • 4.2.3: Recurrent criminal activity will be punishable up to and including ejection from Stratus and forfeit of pay and resources.
  • 4.2.4: Discretion will be implemented when appropriate. A player will not be punished for wrongfully acquired crime stats, or crime stats gained in the act of self defense.
  • 4.2.5: Players should report any crime stats to their immediate superior, along with a quick explanation. This will help to alleviate any suspicion and is in the player’s best interest to avoid punishment.
4.3: Rules of Engagement
  • 4.3.1: Avoid combat at all costs. It is cheaper and safer to avoid combat than to risk losing a ship and any lives and good onboard.
  • 4.3.2: A member of Stratus will not fire upon non-hostile contacts.
  • 4.3.3: Hostile contacts, those appearing as red, are fair game for members to engage if they feel they are at risk for attack, and the chain of command gives the go ahead.
  • 4.3.4: Follow your chain of command. Do no engage unless told to do so in a fleet operation.
  • 4.3.5: Respect surrender, do not chase a ship that is escaping. The mission comes first.

S.C § 5: Executive Board and Directors

5.1: One Vision
  • 5.1.1: The Executive Board and all of the Directors are expected to work closely together. It is required that Executive Board members and Directors attend meetings when possible, and review and contribute to meeting notes when not.
  • 5.1.2: The Executive Board has direct oversight in each division, and the Director is responsible for running the division in a successful, profitable manner.
  • 5.1.3: The Executive Board reserves the right to remove a Director who it does not feel is fulfilling the needs of their division sufficiently, where training and guidance does not work, and the CEO or COO will run the division in the interim until a new Director can be selected. This process will be done quickly, and first candidates will be those of Rank 3 with Jobs and Skills in that division.
  • 5.1.4: The Directors of each division are expected to work closely together in order to coordinate large-scale operations that will profit Stratus as a whole.
5.2: Leadership Expectations
  • 5.2.1: Any Executive or Director who approves the use of Stratus resources and ships will be responsible for justifying that decision if questioned. Abuse of this privileged may result in the loss of the access to these resources, and potential removal from Stratus depending on severity of the abuse.
  • 5.2.2: No member shall receive preferential treatment from any member of management. All members are equal as human beings.
  • 5.2.3: Direct orders should be limited to the scope of an operation or duties, and should allow for the autonomy of players (don’t micro manage unless absolutely necessary). Abuse of position will result in the revoking of any power and position held by that member.
  • 5.2.4: A player may not have more than 6 players who report directly to them. If it would exceed 6 players, either a delegate or a new position is required.