Sol Ultio KG / SUKG

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Engineering

Think different – Think innovative – Think Sol Ultio.


Who we have been at the beginning

Note: All of this is solely for roleplaying purposes. Skip to Manifesto and Charter if you want to know what Sol Ultio is all about!


• A rich weapon manufacturing and mining industrialist from Earth expands to Mars, buys damaged buildings of bankrupt companies and starts a mining and terraforming company – Sol Ultio KG is founded.


• Sol Ultio KG owns about 15% of the mining facilities on Mars and earns a huge amount of money. The new CEO sells the depleted and useless mines on Earth and moves the whole company headquarters to Mars.


• Sol Ultio ships get fitted with the newest RSI engines in order to aquire resources on the other planets.


• Sol Ultio starts expanding onto Croshaw, as terraforming is finished and secures some resource areas on the planet.


• Although Sol Ultio has managed to establish a small market in Croshaw-system, it’s very tiny and Mars still earns more resources. Furthermore, Sol Ultio has missed the Banu-Trade-Accord and didn’t take action. Workers are slowly moving away to Croshaw.


• The company has lost alot of turnover after many workers have migrated to other organizations. But the company is yet again ascending: The new staff has managed to take root on Terra. War is good for business: Thanks to the Tevarin war there’s need for alot of resources, which keeps the company running.


• The company is once again strengthened and has secured a couple of planets to mine on. Rumors say that they even use Tevarin as slave workers, but none of these rumors can be proven.


• Sol Ultio was never larger and stronger than at this time. Subsidized by UEE, expanded on dozens of planets and an approximate personnel of over 120000, it is one of the biggest mining companies around.


• The whole Sol Ultio staff is killed by the Vanduul, as they inspect a plant on Bolo. A son of the former proprietor-family takes over the company lead but doesn’t feel able to manage it. He sells huge parts of the company to other firms.


• By the overthrowing of the old Imperator, the subsidizations for Sol Ultio vanish. The family stops the whole production and sells almost all properties of the company. By now, the company only exists in the UEE-Register.


• Almost all of the giant savings of the founder-family are spent. The last son of the family invests them into the hundred years ago defunct company with its headquarters on Terra. A new era begins for Sol Ultio…


Who we are right now

We are a little group of independant miners and freelancers who have gathered to play this game together.
We want to expand mainly in the field of mining and the engineering needed for that.
Also we are looking for people to explore new places to gather resources from, people to protect our trade routes and those who set them up.
All professions and players are accepted, there is no restriction of how you have to play to become part of this corporation.
However, we are strictly against piracy. Pirates are the worst foe of any miner and trader.
This is also why we need players who engage in PvP.

So consider joining us! Be different, innovative – be Sol Ultio!


Who we want to be in the future

We want to form a democratic corporation in which everyone has a right to change something.
There will be no overly serious members in leading positions, our members need to be able to take critique, no matter how much power they have in an organization.

Our goal is to provide a most familiarly place for our members.
Noone should be forced to do a job, they should rather be engaged to donate their time into this goal.

This way we will one day prosper and grow to power.

Join now to be part of something different. Something innovative.
Join to be part of Sol Ultio.