Survivor To Hero / SURVI2HERO

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

The Survivor To Hero® (S2H) Consortium
We are founded on Free Enterprise (Privateering), Commerce, and Support.
Trade, and Services regardless of affiliation. Memberships is open via application to Citizens or Orgs that agree to the Oath of Peaceful Conduct on all S2H Support and Trade Ships


(Join Our Discord!)
We are an organized consortium founded on the Ideal / Beliefs of Free Enterprise (Privateering) of Commerce, Trade, and Services regardless of affiliation. Members may be Orgs or Individuals. As a privateer consortium, we fully enforce the code of peaceful conduct to ensure consistency of services, a broad quality customer base, and opportunities for new citizens to find their way regardless of the career, specialties or freelancing they choose.

Executive Organization Core Values and Commitment to Service
• We are chaotic neutral. We are privateers and loyal to all transactional-based agreements. We accept all members* and do not recognize any embargoes of goods or services that any government or other entity deems to be contraband. We aim to provide opportunities for all members to sell their goods, to support the needs of the market, and will offer a variety of third-party support services.
• All executive branch support and commerce ships and facilities will offer full services outlined in our charter. Some of these services may not be available with participating support orgs; however, the oath of conduct will be honored when aboard or around that orgs operational space.

Membership, Is voluntarily, Inclusive all alignments (Unlawful, Lawful, and Mixed) services are exclusively for
members. SOLE EXCEPTION: Our services are offered only to members unless a ship captain takes full
responsibility of the non-member. The captain and affiliate org membership may be reviewed or revoked should an
incident occur while taking responsibility of said citizen.We are an organized consortium founded on the Ideal / Beliefs of Free Enterprise (Privateering) of Commerce, Trade, and Services regardless of affiliation. Members may be Orgs or Individuals. As a privateer consortium we
fully enforce the code of peaceful conduct to ensure consistency of services, broad quality customer base, and opportunities for new citizens for find their way regardless of that career, specialties, or freelancing they choose.

The Executive Organization Core Values and Commitment to Service
 We are chaotic neutral. We are privateers and loyal to all transactional based agreements. We accept all
members* and do not recognize any embargoes of goods or services that any government or other entity
deems to be contraband. We aim to provide opportunities for all members to sell their goods, to support
the needs of the market, and will offer a variety of third-party support services.
 All executive branch support and commerce ships and facilities will offer full services outlined in our
charter. Some of these services may not be available with participating support orgs; however, the oath of
conduct will be honored when aboard or around that orgs operational space.

* The peaceful code of conduct is referred to as an Oath of Conduct, referenced further in Safe Zones, will
be more clearly defined in another area of our charter
Established players can be standard members and/or apply to become part of our primary crew as listed above.
 The org will have two-three tiers of membership: All tiers will have to agree to a neutrality / peaceful
conduct when using or around our support vessels (regardless of affiliations, alliances, or active conflicts
with others).

MEMBERSHIP – New Citizens, Established Citizens, Support Organizations, Support Org Partnerships, Industrial
Alliances, Material, Cargo, and other Specialty Service Providers.
 Free will to choose your own path and all the consequences that come from such path.
 We support all career paths and do not discriminate against any member as long as they acknowledge
and respect the charter guidelines and oath of conduct.
Applications for membership are at the discretion of the executive branch. All members agree to be fully
accountable to their behavior, actions, and consequences of such actions.
 New Citizens – will be offered free membership and opportunities to be mentored and participate in
multi-crew gameplay, explore careers, and specialties, and make money for the ship that helps them
achieve this.
 Established Citizens – May apply for the same opportunities of new citizens in a current or new career
path mentorship and introduction opportunities.
 Endorsed Support Org Affiliates – Other orgs that provide Oath of conduct services with safe zones for
members: Services and goods are at the discretion of the affiliated org. Affiliate dues are listed later below.
 Supply Chain Partners – Materials, General Cargo, Specialty Items, Smugglers, etc
 Specialized Contractors – Highly skilled specialists directly endorsed by the executive branch.
Application for primary Exec Admin Crew, Specialists, and other membership are available upon request.
PERKS: All Members are qualified to receive full perks of memberships.
 Access to support resources regardless of outside or alignments. E.g. Survivor To Hero Support Ships,
Ports, etc. will welcome any members of lawful, unlawful, or neutral / freelancer alignments.
 New and Established Citizens can receive Career Training, Coaching, Mentorship, and Job Opportunities
to level up their reputations and skillsets.
 Application to apply to exec crew, affiliate, supply chain partner, or file special requests.
 Commerce – Any and All. The exec branch is sovereign and will buy, sell, and offer any support services
we want regardless of regulation, embargo, or other such restrictions imposed by outside forces.
 Notary – Exec Branch offers neutral party notary to witness to privately document agreements/deals
 Diplomatic Services: Facilitation of agreements and public documentation. E.g., territory agreements,
peace treaties, collaborative accords, formal alliances, and commercial transactions.
 Other Non-Goods Services: Includes but not limited to the connection of mutually interested parties for
hard-to-get merchandise or specialty services.

Membership Dues:
 New Citizens – Waved
 Established Citizens: TBD
 Support Services: TBD (Heavily Discounted or Waved)
 Affiliate Support Ships TBD – Small percentage of support ship income. 0% of security and other services

 Thus Far Include: Medical, Construction, Repair, Refuel, Rearm, Resupply, Star Liner Transport( for
Members, Crew, and New Citizens), Scrap, Refinement, Commerce, and the specific planet, moon, or
asteroid-based trade facilities established by Survivor To Hero Exec and Affiliates and Commerce.
ATC: Most support vessels will require approval prior to landing or docking. Failure to identify and verify
membership may result in hostile action against your vessel as a preventive measure to protect on board

- will be established around the immediate vicinity of Survivor To Hero Executive and Affiliated Organization
Support Ships. Hostile action against any member regardless of current conflict status of that org will result in
membership review.
- Any threat to members in that vicinity will be met with as much lethal force as possible and may call for
reinforcements or provide retreat for members to a more fortified location before jumping themselves (This applies
mostly to fringe areas where support orgs maybe more reliant on each other).
Endorsed Support Orgs Committed to Privateering and agree to our operational membership charter.
 To support the verse in controlled space and frontier space: We welcome and officially will endorse other
orgs who wish to provide support services using our charter to support privateering / unregulated
commerce in. These orgs may set their own services, prices, and operational guidelines as long as they
are not overtly harmful to direct competition and consortium health. Such conflicts can be brought up for
resolution with the Executive Branch.

Open dialogue invitation for any visible or foreseeable conflicts of interest.
Leaving the Org: As the consortium does not hinder other group or org membership we would like the
opportunity to address concerns. However, Members may leave our consortium at any time on good terms on
their own accord. If you do so we would love an exit note for feedback to help us improve. Please talk to use prior to
leaving to see if your issue can be resolved by exec. Where there is conflict there is also win / win financial


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.