O'Leary League of Privatized Freelancers / SWOOTYINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Swooty Inc. for the swashbuckling kick ass free loader you all want to be and be a part of….. Join today, Bring your own guns. Always remember “We’re comin’ for that booty.”


We’ve always been there and now we try to be everywhere…..The League was founded as the brainchild of several of its founding members and board of Admirals. Trying to compete with the larger companies out there The League has always and will be a fan of unorthodox methods and practices. Just remember when your looking to find someone or take a small team of crackpot crazy to a war The League will always be there for you.


The league will follow charter and will always follow the money….(meaning we haven’t gotten this far yet and will get back to you later)


Swootyinc. expects all members to follow to the best of their soul ability all motions to follow.

1. Follow thy current job to the utmost importance and always observe the smallest detail in thy contracts description.

2. Never die for one’s current contract(remember contracts come and go but people die and stay dead for some time)

3. If ones contract would cause one to turn/hurt/mane/kill/destroy/incinerate/or otherwise cause harm to another member of The League; it is the job of both members to stop all action and come together figure out who is paying more and void the others commitment(Money before thy client)

4. All Members will respect and follow thy chain of command and all command will be as willing to put themselves in harm way to save anyone and all members of The League, Unless said member/s are deserters,disbanded, have stolen, and/or broken or violated any of the charter.

5. If any officer/NCO/Member is in contempt of following the charter it is one’s duty to report such infraction to any of the Board of Admirals

6. If any two members of the same rank have a dispute inside The League. both if not one member needs to bring the matter in question to any Admiral for a basic summons and hearing to resolve and close said conflict; always remembering that both parties may have to agree to any and all terms set after the hearing is concluded: The officer conducting the hearing will always remember to seek a fair and as equal a punishment that can be brought around.

7. All members are responsible for tracking their own finances

8. All members will pay a Due of some kind to The League for any non company jobs while using/renting/borrowing any company property and/or using the aid of any company individual or group.

9. Always be overly prepared. Remember no kill like overkill.

10. Company ships may be loaned/rented/leased or purchased new or used from the company at any time; any damage to any company ship/property while in ones possession will be charged to the individual whose name is on the registrar for the current equipment

11. Always have fun inside The League and any member is free to resign at any time(just message any of the board of admirals your resignation_if resigning after a solid term of service a retirement fund/lump sum may be included depending on ones personnel file and accommodation

Charter is subject to change and revision