The Five Squad Corporation / T5SC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Strength from numbers, refined


History is for the weak. We look forwards, the past behind us.


Unity and cooperation are vital to our members. We are devoted to providing the optimal product for our customers, and pride ourselves on being honest and candid with both clients and law enforcement. There is no tolerance for criminal activity within the 5 Squad Corporation, and will not harbor or in any other way associate with criminals. A strong moral compass is more important to us than anything else, including profit. We refuse to turn a blind eye to crime, or anything we deem immoral, and are not afraid of speaking out against it. Any criminal elements interested in our services: look elsewhere.


Be always vigilant in your duties, and never be morally compromised. No amount of money is worth abandoning our corporate values. Any illegal or immoral activities within our organization must be reported immediately to management. Any person who is found to not have reported something they have witnessed will be held as guilty by the CIAEROOTCEWWALAWMVMBEOAMOOCO. Punishment will be swift and decisive for violating these rules. Any members who are afraid to report something they have seen may do so anonymously, and will be protected to the best of our abilities.