Royal Tasteful Fleet / TASTEFUL

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Trading

From humble beginnings and great successes, the Florian Service focuses on Top-Notch Mercantile and Exploration. As the great founder Joséphine Florian once said “We bring Commerce to the People!



The Royal Tasteful Fleet (RTF) is a Family Owned Terra-based Corporation that dates back to the year 2822. Founded by the Florian Family, the company started from humble beginnings in Terra’s second-largest city, Quasi, by selling goods from Earth on a single M.I.S.C. Cargo Hauler to now having a small humble reputable fleet of ships roaming across the known Universe.

About us

The Florian’s believe in the exclusivity of their corporation, limiting the members within family and a small circle of friends, in order for operations to be meticulously managed to maintain the legacy and reputation of the Florian Service. As the corporation grew through the years, the company has been offering top quality service ranging from Exploration, Prospecting and Trading. Moreover, the Florian Family has been known to occasionally dabble and partake on small scale paramilitary operations such as escorting important individuals, rescue operations and more often than not just simply protecting their own from outlaws that try to interfere with their business.

Through history, some may have portrayed the R.T.F. as a Jack of all Trades Company, however, the Florian Service focuses on Top-Notch Mercantile and Exploration. As the great founder Joséphine Florian once said “We bring Commerce to the People!


No matter what business we enter, our goal isn’t just to succeed, but to reinvent the way things work to change people’s lives for the better. We bring Commerce to the People!

- Joséphine Florian, Founder of the Royal Tasteful Fleet, (2840)

Foresight; innovation; trust: words synonymous to the Florian Standard. With a solid reputation in long-established markets, and an emerging presence in fields and industries that address the changing needs of Star Citizens today, we’re aligning our strategies with social goals to be a force of positive change for communities throughout the Universe.

- Marié Florian, 1st Legatee of the Royal Tasteful Fleet, (2863)

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

- Kofi Annan, seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, (2001)

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

- Thomas Stearns Eliot, Poet, (1942)


This Casual Role Play Corporation has been established for the Café FLO Society, the Toastless Memes Crew, the Munchie Hour Family, the A.I. Port Authority, the Tasteful Gaming Team, its Friends and their respective Twitch Communities.

We very much prefer to keep our actions in Star Citizen as Lawful as possible to keep the community clean and fun for us and everyone else in the Persistent Universe.

Furthermore, We believe that Real life always comes first. We definitely do not take the game too seriously because again, we all have our own real lives to take care of. We as a group are just looking to have a good time role playing a space game that we have been yearning for since we were younger.

This Corporation values teamwork and cooperation for the enjoyment of the group. Despite the various bugs and challenges in the game, at the end of the day, we are here to have fun!