• Organization
  • Casual
  • Medical
  • Freelancing

TCB MED-SCI is a friendly casual org focused primarily around “The Academy of Science” guild.

Our focus is on medical, and providing “end to end in-mission support” to sister-orgs focusing on other play styles such as:
- Mercenary
- Resource gathering, crafting and engineering
- Trade / Logistics


TCB Med-Sci (The Caring Bears Medical and Science Division) was founded in 2954 to provide medical support to a casual group of players in our sister orgs, engaged in a variety of law abiding gameplay.

We have alliances with the following Orgs:


Salus prima, auxilium secunda

Our intention is to align with the “Academy of Science” guild, once they come into the game.
Our common language is “English” though we have a number of members either in this org or our sister orgs who speak German and other Languages.

Our day to day aims are to use our medical skills to facilitate enjoyable and productive gameplay within our sister orgs engaging in gameplay such as:
  • Mercenary
  • Trade / Logistics
  • Gathering, Crafting, Building, Engineering

We would be seeking to avoid interaction with those affiliated with the infamous guild “The Council”.

Salus prima, auxilium secunda


TCB MED-SCI Members should:

  • Always be respectful to other players
  • Help out where you can, prioritise our sister orgs.
  • Get good with a gun, a defenceless medic is a dead medic
  • Sort your own injuries out first, a dead medic is not useful to anyone.
  • Avoid illegal activities.

A word about our ranks:

Your rank in TCB MedSci mostly reflects our perception of loyalty, trust and experience you have as a medic.
When you first join, unless you are already well known to the leadership, you will start as a medic recruit, this is your time to decide if we are the right fit for you, and for us to do the same.

After both you and we have decided we want to remain working together you will be promoted to Trainee Medic.

Once we feel comfortable that you are settled into the role and know how to work with us, you’ll advance to Combat medic

From there advancement does not follow any specific rules or guidelines, if you or the leadership feel that it is time for you to advance, then we will discuss the how we feel and make changes as appropriate.
The remaining ranks are:
Senior Combat Medic
Deputy Medical Officer
Chief Medical Officer

Salus prima!